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I suppose that could be his goal, it's just hard for me to comprehend a player that is satisfied with that kind of a role. I always thought you became a DH because you could swing a bat still, but your body had broken down to the point of being unable to play a position. Not something a "Player" would ever choose for himself.
Originally posted by TRhit:
Perhaps he is tired of being ridiculed for his outfield play and just wants to do what he does better than anyone---HIT !!!!!

Took the words right out of my cookie filed mouth.

"Manny being Manny" may have been a defense mechanism that hid his insecurities about being a below average fielder. I do not like to throw the "ethnic card" into most conversations, but, we do not wear the shoes of a person who does not communicate well in the native tongue. Sometimes the "knee jerk" reaction is to build a false front thinking it will deflect issues that were hard to defend in a public surrounding.

As Dr. RZ steps of the Dr. Phils stage

Maybe.....just maybe, Manny could end up the most prolific DH of all time after his fielding criticisms are put to rest.
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by fenwaysouth:
I know exactly what team he is NOT coming back to....I think the "Manny being Manny" act has worn thin, again. I admire Manny's talent, but I would not want to be his teammate or manager. Way to much baggage!
Manny being Manny will wear thin when he can't put up .300-30-100. I remember Don Zimmer being asked if Bill Lee was funny. Zimmer responded something like, "Only when he's winning 17 games a year."
To me the guy just has some sort of insecure need for attention, and like many children, negative attention is better than no attention at all. There was no drama going on so he had to create some. Voila, now he's all over ESPN and MLBNetwork.

Just because you're a great hitter doesn't mean your head is screwed on straight.

Sure, he may like to go back to the American League, never mind that the Dodgers have done just about everything he could've (and did) ask for him. But who is going to pay his salary demand? Not Boston. It's Yankees or bust, and that's not a great negotiating position to be in.

My guess is the first call he got when that hit the media was from Scott Boras, and his advice was probably along the lines of, "Manny, you know you're my guy, and you know I love you, but for Pete's sake would you just shut up already?"
You gotta appreciate what he's been able to do with a bat. I met him a few years back in Fort Myers. He, believe it or not, was very gracious and signed a bat and my son had his picture taken with Manny and his wife.

That being said, the "Manny act" has probably about run it's course. I believe he may find himself in the same market of diminishing opportunities that all these established, but older, players are realizing. He will get a one year opportunity but I bet it's at less than half (10m) of what he expects. Don't you know his Dodger teammates have go to be shaking their head over this though thinking of what else they will be having to put up with all year.
Last edited by Prime9
As a life time Dodger fan, I'm torn. Besides his 50 game suspension, Manny has been great for LA, and an excellent teammate. But, I do agree, he's probably much better off playing his last few years in an American League ballpark where he can DH. Now, should the Dodgers trade him and try to get something back? Or, should they play this season out and go for that championship? I think we'll obviously get that answer sometime before the trade deadline.
Originally posted by Three Bagger:
Damon didn't take less to go for a title in signing with the Tigers who may not even make the playoffs. He took the biggest cash offer he could still get after he and Boras misjudged the market.
There's an article today Boras didn't let Damon signed with the Yankees so he would still have leverage in his Holliday negotiations with the Cardinals.

"It appears that the Johnny Damon(notes) mess has finally resolved itself with the former New York Yankees outfielder signing for one year with the Detroit Tigers for $8 million. But some folks in the industry are apparently telling FOXSports that Damon's agent, Scott Boras, kind of threw him to the wolves so that he could create a better situation for another client, Matt Holliday."

Full article at Yahoo MLB rumors via FoxSports
Last edited by RJM
People should not believe everything they read.

Scott Boras might not be the most well liked guy in baseball, but he doesn't screw his clients intentionally.

The reason some dislike him is because of what he does for his clients. He can very much “afford” to be honest!

He would be stupid to risk his business throwing famous clients to the “wolves”. BTW, the people who don’t like Boras, along with some of his competitors, are the ones paying not the ones receiving. He has helped make Damon a very wealthy man.
I kind of feel if you are a top echelon guy especially a guy in his prime or a top draft choice Boras is probably the guy who can negotiate the most rewarding contract. I'm not so sure it's the same if you're in that third or fourth tier of talent. I don't see how he could possibly give the same attention to those guys with so many top clients. I know he's got other people that handle those clients but I'm not sure at that point its worth the animosity that general managers have for him to enter into negotiations if you are someone the front office types can do without or use other options. The last huge payday for J Damon is in the past so I think the final 14 million for 2 years would have been more than generous in these times but he and Boras misread the market. He got 8 for one but his numbers are likely to suffer in a much more pitcher friendly stadium and he's now a year older. He has very little defensive value at this point.
Originally posted by PGStaff:
People should not believe everything they read.

Scott Boras might not be the most well liked guy in baseball, but he doesn't screw his clients intentionally.

The reason some dislike him is because of what he does for his clients. He can very much “afford” to be honest!

He would be stupid to risk his business throwing famous clients to the “wolves”. BTW, the people who don’t like Boras, along with some of his competitors, are the ones paying not the ones receiving. He has helped make Damon a very wealthy man.
Business 101. I can believe Boras played the angles for the largest personal commission. And Holliday may be around for another round in a few years. Boras probably isn't the best agent for a player past his prime and not in a position on strength.
Last edited by RJM
Scott Boras might not be the most well liked guy in baseball, but he doesn't screw his clients intentionally.

Maybe not but he cost Damon millions. His demands to the Yankees were nuts. Look what he settled playing for in all places, Detroit. Could'v got a lot more playing for the Yankees but him and Boras got too greedy.

Speaking of Detroit. too bad Yankees can't get their hands on Porcello. I was hoping Boras scared enough teams on draft day with his demands when Porcello slipped down to 27th overall in the draft that Porcello would wind up in Yanks lap. Although Porcello probably don't pitch in the majors so quick but his performance in the one-game playoff vs Minnesota proved he can pitch in big major league games.
Last edited by zombywoof
Originally posted by PGStaff:
People should not believe everything they read.

Scott Boras might not be the most well liked guy in baseball, but he doesn't screw his clients intentionally.

The reason some dislike him is because of what he does for his clients. He can very much “afford” to be honest!

He would be stupid to risk his business throwing famous clients to the “wolves”. BTW, the people who don’t like Boras, along with some of his competitors, are the ones paying not the ones receiving. He has helped make Damon a very wealthy man.

Very well said, PG. While we don't know Mr. Boras through anything other than the media, I have had the opportunity to learn a bit about him and his organization over the last year or so from someone with direct knowledge of him and how his company works. What I've learned is that the general public doesn't know that much about him or hsi agency, and my own opinion of him has grown far more positive since learning what I have. I think that any player Mr. Boras's organization chooses to represent would be very fortunate to have such skilled advocates working on his behalf. While many people regard them a ruthless, I simply regard them as 'The Best'.
Last edited by 06catcherdad

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