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From the mid US to the Atlantic ocean, as I type, there are many college BB games being wiped out. I got up early to make the drive to see my sons games. Then I see that the big cold front is sweeping the east coast and has just spoiled, what could have been a great weekend of watching my son play ball. As they say, toilet


FieldBuilder teach me baseball and I'll teach you relativity...No we must not, You will learn about relativity faster than I learn baseball.
--Albert Einstein
Original Post
I can sympathize with you, FieldBuilder. Frown My youngest son's first games(a tournament) were cancelled this weekend. But there is hope. The skies cleared up yesterday and the forecast is for beautiful weather the next 5 days. Time enough to get Monday and Tuesday's games in( if the field dries).
Here's hoping the sun will come out.

"Every member of our baseball team at West Point became a general; this proves the value of team sports." --General Omar Bradley

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