My son played in this tournament a couple years ago when it was new. All in all it was a good tournament with a solid field of teams. From a recruiting perspective it wasn't a good fit for my son. There were a reasonable number of coaches at the games, but most of the schools in attendance were SEC or regional schools from the south - mostly from Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida if I recall correctly. The SEC schools recruit nationally but the regional schools recruit locally (one coach told me that he only recruits kids within 100 miles of the school). We're from Southern California and at the time (rising Soph) my son didn't have his target list of schools terribly refined, and only one or two of the schools in attendance were on his list. So I'd say you should consider the schools on your son's list and look at it through this lense. You may also contact college coaches as ask if they plan to attend.