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Topic is a bit tongue-in- check but it intended for those who worry about their son playing football (or other sports) fearing an injury and hurting there baseball career.

Our son played four years of HS football, basketball and baseball, three years of Var football playing both ways = one injury losing two games..nothing else major. Here's what happened in baseball 2010-11

College: Fall Ball shoulder injury diving for ball out two weeks. In the eighth game of his first college season, hit on hand, broken, misses 20 plus games.

College Summer Season: End of June, collides with second baseman on bloop FB in OF, mild concussion sore for week, other kid out the season. Week later hit in face with pitched ball, thought out for week per doctor but when came home, complained about fatigue, severe sore throat etc. Back to doctor to find out has mono.

Finally cleared to play last week of July but not up to par.

Moral of the story, let your kids play whatever they want in HS, injuries can happen any time and in any sport.

PS: I told my kid maybe its time to put the bat and glove away and strap on the helmet again, its safer..he gave me a big smile and said "I agree"

Never thought I would say this but I can't wait for this summer season to end so he can get some rest. And yes I tried to talk him into shutting it down and getting ready to for college fall season but to no avail.
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Moral of the story, let your kids play whatever they want in HS, injuries can happen any time and in any sport.

I obviously love baseball and it has provided me with so much in my life but I wouldn't trade my time with football for anything. There is no better feeling than going out onto the field Friday night to play a game. It's still an awesome rush as a coach. The things I learned playing football totally helped me as a baseball player and vice versa. I got to play in a state championship game and have an entire community support you is amazing.

As nhmonty and cabbagedad have illustrated you can get hurt at any time doing anything. Parents are going to worry because that's their job but don't do it so much that you or your children can't enjoy the sport.

I've had players in the past who were baseball only that I believe if they played football or basketball or whatever it would have helped their overall athletcism. Most of the time it was due to parents afraid they would get hurt in something else but they looked like robots on the field.

nhmonty I hope your son is able to get over these injuries and be full speed for the fall.

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