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OK, asking for your constructive input. We all have opinions so how about this...

What if MCYSA made the tournament we have put on for the past 16 years an unsanctioned event similier to Cooperstown?

What if we offered to all the associations the opportunity to send some teams that they gave the bids to and were compensated for?

We have 5 host teams. We have the established relations in Japan, Puerto Rico, the Dominican. We are currently beginning talks with four other countries.

What if each association was offered the chance to award, say six berths with the only stipulation being that only one of those berths was from Illinois. That would leave five at-large berths for other Illinois teams that would be awarded by MCYSA and would not be tied to any sanctioning body.

48 teams total, max of 16 from Illinois - 2 in each six team division.

This has not been decided yet. We will be meeting with our five 15U host teams sometime next month to get their input and thoughts. Your input will assist us.

MCYSA is just looking to put on an event that teams will enjoy, want to come to and then tell others to come. Our sole purpose is to help our community and our youth sports groups from the little guys through college age.

Next year we will be sending a team to the Dominican to play a tournament down there in June. It will be 20 players, 4 from each of our host teams.

The dates for the 2009 MCYSA Open International Championships are July 24 - August 2.
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I think part of the biggest reason teams come to Crystal Lake is that these are sanctioned tournaments (CABA, etc.)

Cooperstown of course has a draw.

Perhaps if that atmosphere could be duplicated it could eb done, but with the games in CL scattered as they are I doubt it will be the same. That's not to say you couldn't run a nice tournament.
To Fastballdad and Packdad10:
Thank you. I asked for constructive feedback and you gave your opinions. It is appreciated and will be taken into account. The response rate that was received was what was expected. Some folks like to slam others but when asked to contribute something positive have nothing to say. I would like to believe that is NOT how most people on this board are.

Next month, if you are interested, will have the info up for the 2009 MCYSA/USSSA 15U Open Summer International Championships: July 24 - August 2.

Take care.
Next year we will be sending a team to the Dominican to play a tournament down there in June. It will be 20 players, 4 from each of our host teams.

Sounds like a great thing for the players. I see 7 host teams listed on the site though.

Also sounds like a great idea to get top teams from all the organizations..........
If you have great hosts, great facilities, good umpiring---- the sanctioning of your event is minimal...I have never been a big advocate of sanctioning our events...and we have done quite well without sanctioning a 3 years

matter of fact-- the only problem i have ever had was a young players tourney in April that i did sanction..I still claim it is the HOSTS that make it or break the event...not the sanctioning..

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