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Hope that your summer is going well. Just an update on the 15U MCYSA Summer International Championships in Crystal Lake, Illinois.

We have finalized the field at 46 teams. There are 9 International: Japan, Puerto Rico, Montreal Canada, Panama, the Dominican Repiblic, Ontario Canada, Brazil, New Zealand and the Russion National Team.

We have 16 Illinois teams including our host teams and there are 21 out of state teams. A complete listing of all age groups and the schedule for the pool play games can be found on our web site

There are 14 Internationals on all age groups. The pool play runs Saturday July 25 - Monday July 27. Double-elimination begins Wednesday July 29 and concludes on Sunday August 2.

Help me out - we believe that the 15U has the largest collection of Internationals in the US. Is anyone aware of any other event that has more?

Thanks and have a great rest of the summer.
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