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If you're son is able to compete at the HS level already, which I feel that he must be if the coach is asking him to play, then by all means have him do it. He will start his relationships with the older players and they can help him learn the ropes of being a varsity player. My son is the only sophomore on varsity this year and the older guys are helping him adjust to that. He still has to do the ****** stuff the youngest ones have to do though, which I like. Keeps him humble! Good luck and go for it. It will only help him in the long run IMHO.
If it's not too late, just ask the coach which he would prefer. Other than the obvious questions like -- how is your team looking next year -- I think I'd just do a lot of listening. If the coach is already asking for your son to consider playing on the summer team with varsity players, then you should just sit back and feel so proud!!! Enjoy the ride and check back in!
I suppose it might sound like I'm sprinkling (not enough to cancel) on your parade, but I would be cautious about making a sole or full-time commitment to a HS team in the summer, unless that is your best alternative and a situation where your son can develop best. I have absolutely nothing against players being a part of their HS group in the summer -- but, in many cases, there are select teams that may offer varying opportunities.

Is my politcal-correctness sickening to anyone (besides me)? Big Grin
Last edited by Panther Dad
I suppose it might sound like I'm sprinkling (not enough to cancel) on your parade, but I would be cautious about making a sole or full-time commitment to a HS team in the summer, unless that is your best alternative and a situation where your son can develop best.


Pretty good point, one that I didn't think about before my first post.

I know of one of the directional schools in Plano that really frown on their players playing on select teams in the summer. There are a lot of politics that play in it too. I know of a player that played on my sons team last year that just about was told to play for the HS summer team or don't expect to play when school ball rolls around. It was a tough situation for them. It puts the parents in the middle, and afraid to not do what the coaches say in fear of them playing the politics I mentioned before. You can ask a certain guy whom we both know about it. It's pretty sad if you ask me.

Originally posted by 2010DAD:
He will play HS ball during the week and play select ball during the weekends. It works out great.

Thanks ALL for your input.

Good for him... clap

We were upfront with our HS coach on the whole HS vs select ball issue. He said he really didn't care which as long as he was playing somwhere... guess we're one of the lucky ones!
I think it is important for them to play together as much as possible...i.e. summer league and fall league.

However, the select baseball is great because of the amounts of games they play and competition they face.

High School ball and select baseball are two totally different animals. Me, I am not threatened by it and embrace it. It will only help the kids that play it. In the 1+ years I have been here, we have gone from a few kids playing select, to the majority of my varsity kids and many of my JV kids. This was not happening before I got here from what I understand. I believe that is one of the many factors that have led to whatever success we have had so far since I have been here.
However, the select baseball is great because of the amounts of games they play and competition they face.

High School ball and select baseball are two totally different animals. Me, I am not threatened by it and embrace it. It will only help the kids that play it.

Funnedrill thanks for your support and embracing select baseball.
Technically, the HS coach should have no involvement in the summmer team. In reality, many HS coaches will direct the summer dad coaches on who is on the roster, who to pitch, who to play, etc.

It is difficult to goven by the UIL and the rule is easily worked around. The HS coach can email, call etc. and direct what he wants done.

I am not sure, but I think they can even attend the games as long as they have nothing to do with the activities on the field.

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