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Dear Roger,

This advice won't cost you $400 per hour (and by the way can that idiot of a lawyer that you hired spell "r-e-f-u-n-d"?), but sometimes country music provides all the advice you need.

In the song "That's My Story (and I'm Sticking to It)", oddly enough not written by either your lawyers or you, it ends with a line to the effect that sometimes a man just has to tell the truth and beg for forgiveness (See Petite, Andy).


For some unknown unspecified reason, perhaps a vast right/left wing conspiracy, you are accused of (1) using illegal drugs, (2) having an affair with a singer, perhaps as early as when she was 15, and (3) having a...uh..."relationship" with John Daly's ex-wife. Items (1)-(3) allegedly occurred while married to the gorgeous Mrs. Clemens, the mother of your fine children.

You have responded by apologizing for unspecified "mistakes" in your personal life. So Rog, what mistakes? Fibbing to get a hall pass in third grade? Forgetting to feed the dog in 5th grade? Breaking curfew at the University of Texas? Me thinks not.

Have we embarrassed the family enough yet?

Me thinks so.

Listen to the country song. All you ever need to know in life can be learned by listening to country music. And please please either 'fess up or shush up, it's all getting quite old.
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