My son is 13. He plays on a U14 traveling team. The coaches are pretty much in for their own son. This team tends to show favoritism. Only certain kids get the playing time no matter how bad they do that day. New kids come on the team and don't have to earn their spot on the team. They just get to start. It is always the same kids sitting the bench.
My son has been to many camps where the instuctors are impressed with his skill level. This being the last year before high school I'm not sure if we would better off sticking it out on this team knowing that he most likly will have to sit the bench or play somewhere else where the team does not play as good of talent so he may be playing down a bit, but getting more playing time.
Because of all this my son doesn't seem mentally ready for the game he is nervous at the plate and when he switches postions defensivly. He is always worried that they are going sit him. Even though they will do it anyway.
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