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Needing advise from the experts on this forum - I'm reading up on the Metro Scout League in the DFW area. 

I've heard from high school coaches this is a well run organization and gets lots of looks -  their website states to get in is by invitation only. You must be invited by a pro scout or college coach. Anyone have any ideas on how strict the organization is on this?  I'm not sure how I would go about getting a pro scout to recommend my son, as I don't know any .  

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If your son is playing on a highly competitive summer team, that coach can recommend your son for an invite, just as well.


Majority of the players are by invite and approx. 20-25 slots will remain for tryouts with around 90-130 players on avg. vying (as in past 3 yrs) for those slots.


If he is a PO (pitcher only), his chances are significantly greater especially if he is above avg. 86 mph or greater.

Good luck to him and his future.

In regards to my son we just happened to hit the website the weekend before the tryouts in August and he made one of the teams because like you we don't know any scouts.  We did the 5 week showcase and saw lots of individuals that appeared to be scouts and several JUCO coaches there, but we were the early morning session for the younger boys 16-17's, although there were a few 18's we knew of in the lower division.  My son enjoyed it and we were able to get a baseline for our son.  He's very fast and ranked pretty high overall in the event.  He isn't a pitcher and so I fear he won't get much traffic.  We  have been contacted by 2 colleges and are going to a showcase at Harding University in Arkansas next weekend.  They contacted him saying they saw him at the showcase and wanted to get a better look at him and invited us to the showcase.  The showcase is open and they were only taking 60 I believe.  Go to their website and look into it.  Their showcase was only $80 which is not bad compared to some of them.  The drive is crazy and we will be driving all night as my son also plays football and we have a game Friday night, but I guess we are gluten for punishment and so we are loading up and driving it.  Although my son is a little older then yours we are it appears to be in the same boat for the most part.  We are learning as we go but I will share whatever microscopic info we have with you. 


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