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It was a fun weekend of baseball. There were over 20 mlb scouts there. The scores of the games were as follows:
Illinois Select 6 Minnesota Blizzard 0
Racine Hitters 10 Top Tier 3
Top Tier 4 Minnesota Blizzard 3
Illinois Select 7 Racine Hitters 3
Illinois Select 9 Top Tier 6
The final game was Blizzard vs Hitters but I did not stick around b/c my games were done.
The games were either 2 hours or 9 innings which ever came first. Most games if any did not make the 9 innings
From the games that I saw or were a part of, the people that stood out were Koziol(TT) on the mound. Sam Mahar from the Hitters. Polus from Top Tier. McDonnell (TT) from Barrington. Tanner Witt and Kyle Rucchim in the infield. The Hitters had a few lefty pitchers that were pretty good.
As far a the Illinois Select team, that is the team I am most familiar with. This weedend Craig Lipp and Chris Waylock did the best offensively with each having at least 6 hits with 3 of those hits being extra bases. James Vasquez and Alex Stahely were fantastic up the middle. Both of those young men can pick and really worked well together. Dan Sheppard did a really good job behind the dish throwing out 2 baserunners. Tom Wilson did a great job playing third base and came up with some nice base hits. Pitching wise, Ian Gardeck hit 97mph and was 92-93 consistently. Mark Winkleman, John Lieske, Joe Zwierzynski, Ross Vance, and Tim Ambrose threw very well.
These are just my opinions as I am sure other players did well and did things to impress the scouts.
I would also like to thank Greg Sibigtroth and Dave Mitroff for putting this event on. Can't wait for the next one.
regent, a kid firing it up like that this early in the season from the Midwest is not good, how many innings did he throw, the kid hitting (97) which must be an exageration. even low 90s is pushing it. who was watching him? No sense blowing an arm out for some showcase, and possibly jeapardizing the entire high school season. people should be a little more careful with these easrly season beauty pagents. a month from now no will care how they did at something like this.
Every pitcher was held to a very modest pitch count and were given two month's notice to prepare. Do you think that they would not have thrown hard if they went to a winter camp at a university? With a couple of dozen pro scouts in attendance, some times you have to recognize that opportunities in life don't always come at the perfect time, but you still should take advantage of them.
First of all, I would like to thank Dave Mitroff and Gregg Sibigtroth for putting together this nice event for the young men. It is certainly a remarkable opportunity for all those involved.

Secondly, I can can assure you that these pitchers were held to a strict pitch count, which was adhered to by the coaches/players involved. I thank them for watching out for the young arms that pitched this weekend. Good work and way to represent the FVC!
Can anyone tell us what was the pitch count and how the pitchers did other than velocity.

It is almost impossible to project if he will throw harder in the spring and summer.How hard did he have to train in the past 2 months for this event? Will he keep up the same regiment during the HS season?

Throwing from a mound wears on the arm the most.Doing it during the off season at full go seems to me a little risky.

Be patient tigercub, only the coaches know the details, so in that case u r going to have to wait until Regent 29 checks in here again. And I agree with ChiSox...the Illinois Select team did great, way to represent boys!

Also, it has already been establish that the 97 associated with Gardeck was false and that it was actually more like 92-93, whci he has been clocked at numerous times before, so why is everyone freaking out?
the 97 associated with Gardeck was false and that it was actually more like 92-93, whci he has been clocked at numerous times before, so why is everyone freaking out?

Again...not so much 92-93. More like pitch at 88-90 touched 93 and not on everyone's gun...and it was one pitch.

Not to take away from the young man because he has a great arm. He might be the hardest thrower in the Chicago area.

But let’s not put 92-93 consistently on him. He's not there yet.

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