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The Middle GA Titans are an elite showcase team, with players from all across the state of Georgia. The purpose of the team is to get high players exposure in front of college coaches and pro scouts. I am a firm believer that my players will have the best chance to move on to the next level if we win, so I look for the most elite players in the area and strive to push them to their full potential. If you are interested in a work-out with us please call Mitchell Westbury at 678-603-5581 or e-mail me at
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Originally posted by MWestbury:

The Middle GA Titans are an elite showcase team, with players from all across the state of Georgia. The purpose of the team is to get high players exposure in front of college coaches and pro scouts. I am a firm believer that my players will have the best chance to move on to the next level if we win, so I look for the most elite players in the area and strive to push them to their full potential. If you are interested in a work-out with us please call Mitchell Westbury at 678-603-5581 or e-mail me at

Mitchell, I can always appreciate coaches who step up to coach kids in hopes of helping them find the "next" level whatever that may be for each kid. But I do believe they will be seen and found regardless of whether you win or not. Recruiters and coaches are going to show up to watch how the players perform more importantly than if your team wins or not. I'm sure you probably agree.

Good luck.
I believe they will be found regardless, but I like to give them the best chance available. I have noticed a pattern with Showcase style tournaments where scouts and coaches tend to start showing up around the semi-finals.

I also am a firm believer that a winning attitude is something that has to be developed. Players that play on a lesser quality team tend to have a tendency to struggle when the game is at a crucial point. I have always refused to settle for mediocrity in any area of life and want to see the same from my players. If you look at most of the higher draft picks, they are usually in the top 5% in their class academically, and play for state chamionship teams.

Being a long-winded person, I do agree with you, but like I say, in my experiences college coaches want competitive players that will find a way to executive the task and this typically results in wins.

I have a much different view on a couple things you have mentioned. Reply in red below...

I believe they will be found regardless, but I like to give them the best chance available.
The question is sometimes WHEN they are found and who finds them. Giving them the best chance is important.
I have noticed a pattern with Showcase style tournaments where scouts and coaches tend to start showing up around the semi-finals.
How many of these type tournaments have you seen? If anything coaches and scouts are more likely to be there at the beginning and leave before they are over. The least number of scouts will usually be seen at the championship game!

I also am a firm believer that a winning attitude is something that has to be developed. Players that play on a lesser quality team tend to have a tendency to struggle when the game is at a crucial point.
The better the player the less he struggles. I think that in most cases the best players are actually on the best teams... But not always!

I have always refused to settle for mediocrity in any area of life and want to see the same from my players. If you look at most of the higher draft picks, they are usually in the top 5% in their class academically, and play for state chamionship teams.
The top draft picks are not necessarily the best students. In some cases the poor students are more signable due to their lack of leverage. There is not any proof that the draft and playing for state championship teams have anything in common. Please check out the last few years first round draft picks.

Being a long-winded person, I do agree with you, but like I say, in my experiences college coaches want competitive players that will find a way to executive the task and this typically results in wins.

I have another question... Being that you're from Georgia are you aware of the tournaments in Cobb County where 600 to 800 college coaches and MLB scouts come to watch players? I've just never heard of the Middle GA Titans before. It seems odd that we wouldn't know about an elite team in the state of Georgia, but I guess it is possible. Which tournaments does this team play in? Is there a website where scouts can check for information on your players and team? I apologize if it seems that I'm being somewhat skeptical.
I will respond on a point by point basis:
1. It doesnt exactly sound like you are disputing this point, but "standing out" is typically how a player gets noticed and when a team stands out this results in wins.

2. I see that you have had different experiences, and I could be wrong, but this is just what I have noticed.

3. Naturally, the better the player the less he struggles, but I have noticed that players typically develop quicker playing on winning teams. Winning is an art and takes experience to master. A player may perform well through sheer athelticism, but the little things are what wins ball games or in life for that matter.

4. I agree with the signability issue and I have not done extensive research on the subject, but of the high draft picks that I know personally, they were all very good students. Also, "state champion" was a very poor choice of words, but the majority of high draft picks played on very good high school teams. Now, whether there is a correlation btwn. that player being on the team and its winning % I do not know, but I do know that teams with high draft picks usually win.

5. As for the Titans not being a well-known showcase team, our team consists of primarily 2012 grads. It was started this past Summer with a group of upcoming Soph. so I did not feel they were ready to play at showcase tournaments. We were very successful against quality competition. This upcoming Summer they will be rising juniors and ready to spend the Summer at various colleges and some time at East Cobb. I guess calling an unproven team elite is bordering the arrogant side, but I will say that every player on my roster has the ability to play college baseball with my top two guys sitting in DI/draft pick range and a few more sitting at the fringe DI range.

Thanks for replying. It wasn't my intent to downplay your accomplishments, I just had never heard of this team. It is our business to know who the top teams and top players are. We spend a lot of time in Georgia and like to think we know about "most" all the top programs there. And there are some of the best amateur programs in the country located in Georgia. The talent in that state is amazing.

You explained by saying your program started this summer. Sounds like your team has a lot of talent.

Best of luck to the Titans.

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