Originally Posted by Dad04:
Originally Posted by Stats4Gnats:
I’ve made the same observation many times over the years, and even taken it a bit further. Anyone that’s ever seen or knows much about Eddie Feigner, knows he could throw a softball as hard as the hardest of baseball throwers, and threw an ungodly number of pitches without arm injury.
So why hasn’t anyone tried to throw underhanded in baseball? You’d think someone would have at least tried it.
Seriously, though. Imagine if a kid could throw (a baseball) without risk of injury...every. single. game. It would revolutionize the game, if a kid could get hang zeros.
It's a nice thought, but unfortunately:
1) Throwing underhand does not enable an individual to throw with the same velocity as throwing overhand (also, those that say Eddie Feigner was clocked throwing 104 mph are most likely the same people that say Mickey Mantle ran home-to-first in 3.1 seconds. Neither of which is remotely true or possible. In a related theme, I have a bridge to sell you).
2) The common thought that throwing underhand is more natural and therefore does not cause injury in softball pitchers has been proven false. The motion is, perhaps, less injurious than throwing overhand. But there is still injury risk.
As for the OP, there are so many different reasons why people get hurt. Each and every instance is unfortunate.