if anyone is on instagram you need to follow minorleaguegrinders
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interesting stuff. I checked it out and saw the name of a player my son played high school ball with.
Sleeping arrangements and meals are pretty standard
It's amazing what these players resort to just to survive and lead a semi-normal life. They know where all the food discounts are, what day/time things are bogo or 1/2 price, the return policy at retail stores, etc. I of course would never approve of some of the things I hear . Move over Karadashians, I think I have a better reality show, "Minors on Minimal Living".
They finally opened up a store to buy shirts, caps. The IG is both hilarious and sad and give us an unfiltered view of their struggle (very similar from other aspiring artists imo, love what they all have to put up with to follow their dreams). I bought a shirt to not only support the "grind" (hopefully it does support them) but I admit I love their logo and the added bonus is my kid is both jealous and annoyed I did not buy him one, I told him he needs to learn their struggle and go into his bank and buy one if he wanted one that badly.