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Originally Posted by shortnquick:
Originally Posted by JMoff:

There is nothing that has EVER happened in a 10U game to warrant this level of confrontation.

Your right about that, but that is a great pic.  Some one needs to tell the umpire to exhale. He is about to bust.

If the umpire blew chuncks in his face that would be about right.

There's absolutely no reason to lose it over balls and strikes in a 10u game. 10u players aren't MLB quality. Neither are the umpires. The umpires are working their way up the ladder just like the players. It doesn't matter who caused the problem. Mitch Williams is a jackass for getting in the face of a 10u umpire.

You would think everyone would know that the best umpires are usually working games a bit above the 10 year old level. It is kind of amazing how often former  MLB players have problems like this at their kids games.  Guess the skills leave but the competitive spirit is still there.


Several years ago at one of our tournaments there was a former MLB player, and a scout at the time, who was coaching his sons's team.  He was one of the nicest guys you could ever meet.  However, he lost it completely during a game, to the point they had to call the police.  Competition can get the best of a lot of people.  BTW, his son also went on to play in the Big Leagues.

it is right? no obviously not - am i sitting here at 626AM kind of laughing to myself about it - hell yes! Too funny.


Ripken is typically a very well run tournament. My history is that you can speak your mind pretty clearly to the umps and as long as you move on from there no harm no foul. Obviously in this case that didn't happen...still LOL'ing

I coached against a former player who used to yell at the ump "I want that call made" yelling about balls and strikes.  It usually backfired on him, but once I saw an ump get his autograph before the game, 1st inning the zone is a little tight former player yells at ump and the zone changes.  I call time walk to the plate and tell the ump, you don't have to be bullied by a former player call your usual game.  You guessed it, ump says coach one more word from you and your out of the game.  I actually thought it was funny  how this ump would jump every time the former player yelled from the dugout the entire game.  

Calling for pitches from the bench is something all coaches do so it isn't that big a deal unless you go overboard.  Stopping the game to make a point of calling him out especially on balls and strikes and no umpire is going for that.  Have to wait for between innings and wander over to ear shot, about 10-15 feet...then make your point. 


Oh yeah, Mitch Williams is a fool, who still gets paid crazy money for it.  In the list of Barkley, Bradshaw and the rest of the clowns that are former players on TV that we pay attention to.   

Mitch's public comments are apologetic and acknowledge that he over reacted.  But according to him, the ump started the game riding the opposing coach and then started on Mitch.  Mitch also denies reported use of profanity.


I don't know whom you believe in this kind of a situation, but the ump's face sure would seem to support Mitch's claim that the guy came in with an attitude.  And while they are the exception, umpires who come in trying to preen and give guff from the outset are out there in sufficient numbers that if you go to enough games you'll run into them on occasion.  I can only imagine one of them feeling like he had to make sure the MLB veteran, as Cartman would say, "respects my authorit-eye!"

And yeah, any coach needs to learn to let it ride, because it always ends up with you being the one looking bad no matter how provoked you were.  A celebrity coach has this need especially since (as this demonstrates), no matter who started it, he's the one who'll take the PR black eye for it.


This kind of stuff happens but it's only "news" if a celebrity is involved.

Originally Posted by Midlo Dad:

Mitch's public comments are apologetic and acknowledge that he over reacted.  But according to him, the ump started the game riding the opposing coach and then started on Mitch.  Mitch also denies reported use of profanity.


I don't know whom you believe in this kind of a situation, but the ump's face sure would seem to support Mitch's claim that the guy came in with an attitude.  And while they are the exception, umpires who come in trying to preen and give guff from the outset are out there in sufficient numbers that if you go to enough games you'll run into them on occasion.  I can only imagine one of them feeling like he had to make sure the MLB veteran, as Cartman would say, "respects my authorit-eye!"

There are plenty of third-party witnesses contradicting what he is claiming.

Originally Posted by J H:
Originally Posted by zombywoof:

I always read how athletic parents know how to deal with their kids sports better than non-athletic parents and I've always called it bull. This story just backs it up.


That's not painting with a broad brush or anything...


Agree... You can't generalize and there's really no rhyme or reason anyway. We've all seen "that guy" coaching teams and barking in the stands.  Seems like the younger the kids, the more common you see those dads (and moms)... though there are some still hanging in there at HS age for sure.  Just hard for me to understand how Mitch Williams, who had a good career and even though he gave up the famous long ball in the WS has always seemed to wear it well and who I like on MLBN... Is in fact "that guy".  Disappointing.

Originally Posted by fenwaysouth:

A 10U game is about the kids.  Mitch and the umpire are both wrong.  I'd like to see the tournament director toss both of them.

Suspending the umpire for a month and the team from their tournaments for the remainder of the season would be better.

Originally Posted by RJM:
Originally Posted by fenwaysouth:

A 10U game is about the kids.  Mitch and the umpire are both wrong.  I'd like to see the tournament director toss both of them.

Suspending the umpire for a month and the team from their tournaments for the remainder of the season would be better.

Good points... I hadn't thought about the umps role in this... It does take two to tango.  Maybe the thought of being able to say "I once ran Mitch Williams" played some role.  But lion's share of the blame would still go to Wild Thing.  Chirping incessantly about ball and strike calls at a 10u game??  Bottom line, a bunch of ten year old boys watched this altercation and though they may well have thought it was pretty cool, it's not the right example.  Going toe to toe with a 10u umpire, who's from central casting as the retired town pharmacist, then refusing to leave the dugout?  Hurling sexual epithets at 10 year old kids? I had sort of assumed Williams had a life.

Last edited by Soylent Green
Originally Posted by 08Dad:

Suspend the Ump for a month? Totally agree...


Suspend the team for the season - I think that Mitch should be suspended for the season but don't see the reason why the kids should pay the price for the adults bad behavior. I think the team should be able to continue on just with a different manager.

Do you think Williams would tell his team go play there while he stays home for the weekend? There are other places to play. This team is more about Williams than the kids. It keeps him in the dugout.



There's an article his talented kids are passed over in rec league drafts because none of the coaches want Williams around. So Williams started a travel team. Part of the mission statement for the Jersey Wild is they are preparing players for high school and college ball. It goes on in addition to player skills they teach leadership and integrity.

Originally Posted by RJM:

There's an article his talented kids are passed over in rec league drafts because none of the coaches want Williams around. So Williams started a travel team. Part of the mission statement for the Jersey Wild is they are preparing players for high school and college ball. It goes on in addition to player skills they teach leadership and integrity.

Nothing like dressing down a 10U umpire to prepare you and your kids for HS.

In my experience the umpires don't get better until 16U on the big field.


Eventually, you get to HS ball, where the HP knows the rules and the BU knows out or safe. BU will make his first close call and then use the same call on every other close call, regardless of team for the rest of the game.


If Mitch wants to prepare his kids for HS ball, have his hitters get up on the plate and teach them to go the other way.  Teach his pitchers to be soft away x 4 and then hard in occasionally.


This isn't good baseball, but it will certainly prepare his kids for HS ball.


In college ball, pitchers need to learn to go soft away x 2, hard away x 2 and hard in every other start.



Last edited by JMoff

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