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Kevin- I agree with Coach May, big surprise. If you're looking for a shallow pocket, Pudge is the way to go. I also slid the light tan Rawlings Pro-Prefered on the other day, and it was more shallow that most Rawlings that I've seen.

I'm still an All-Star fan, but can't deny that Pudge is the equivalent of having a second baseman's glove on behind the dish.

Have fun shopping!
my son likes Kelly mitts (also has 34" A2000 he'll use on a knukleball pitcher). The Proline models run shallow for the 32", medium for the 33" and deep for the 34". My son actually prefers the Proline vs. the Elevation as he believes the padding is better; tougher to break in but worth it.
His Kelly mitts have lasted 3 and 2 years, respectively with plans to relace the older mitt after this summer.

The Pudge is a fairly shallow pocket; son just doesn't like it. Akadema makes a decent mitt; appears to be fairly deep but the design features are made to aid the transfer.

Personally, at my age (old) I like the A2000 34" (seems to be "the" mitt of choice these days in college) but as a HS player I think I would have really liked a 33" Kelly Proline. Good design , well made mitt and a great value.

The pro model Mizuno is another mitt I would love to see; have heard good things about it. Not cheap to purchase but a good mitt.

Talk to other catchers in your area and ask to look at their mitts. You might get some good direction that way from kids you know and trust.
My son likes his Pudge mitt.

JA10, I don't know the answer of how long mitts usually last but I can say for sure you need a new one! Seriously, it depends on how many games you catch and how hard the pitchers throw. My son started this mitt last fall after two years with his first mitt. I suspect he will begin breaking in a new one this coming fall, although I don't know that he will need to change mitts yet.
A2K- good right off the bat, but breaks down fairly easy. I wouldnt consider it a long term solution.

A2000- got one of the black and tan ones. decent mitt but feels like a marshmellow after some break in. havent tried the new cream/black one or the new perzynski one yet

Rawlings HOH- great glove with WELL built lacing. pocket is still tight after a full season. only problem is its a little on the heavy side

Rawling PP- had one previously but the thing just never broke in...its high quality leather and seems to last

Mizuno pro- seen a couple come back "blown out" along the thumb area's stitching. also, seems like they put a 2lbs weight where the pocket ties into the glove. turn it over like a backhand and you'll know what im talking about.

allstar-great mitt that keeps its feel for years. got one thats 5 years old and still consider it my gamer.

Next testdrive might have to be one of the rawlings hoh pro mesh ones. Got a friend who might be able to swing me a Pro Preferred pro mesh if i ask him nice Big Grin
Too soft a glove should make it harder to get the ball out cleanly on a throw. It should be relativly firm/stiff and clean. Some players will use vasoline to get the glove tacky.

Perhpas it hasn't been oiled or kept cleanSmile Or perhaps he punching/boxing at the ball? Just guessing.

When I see a big puff of dust come out of a catchers glove I know he's not taking care of his glove!
My son just switched from his 2 season old Akadema Prodigy AGC-98 to Akadema's APM-42. He grew up I guess! What amazed me was how similar these two mitts are despite the Prodigy mitt being aimed at kids between 9 & 12. He's just about done his break-in and can't wait to bring it out for game play. His only complaint with the Prodigy is that it's getting a little too small for his hands. At first I was hesitant going with the APM-42 because the company says it's a 32.5", only a half inch larger than the 32" Prodigy. But I guess they do something to the inside to accommodate a large hand.

Bottom line, Akadema makes a pretty good Catcher's Mitt, when compared to comparable priced Wilsons and Rawlings that are out there. He's graduating from Middle School the end of the month and has been invited by the High School he will be attending next year to attend their Summer Baseball Camp. Got a feeling he's about to be introduced to a whole new level of baseball, and his supremacy behind the plate amongst his peers is about to come to an abrupt end,... at least seriously challenged.

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