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UNBELIEVABLE. TRUELY UNBELIEVABLE. Would it be possible to go around the MLB marketing number crunchers and negotiate an agreement directly with the MLB Team Organizations whose names are involved and sort this out? Probably not. Merchandising is, after all, in the hands of MLB and not the players.

How petty can people be? What about all the MLB players on the ESPN commercials that proclaim how MLB supports all these chidren's organizations all over the country where the kids, like them, can play baseball run by volunteers supported finiancially by MLB? Does MLB want to take back a piece of that consession stand action if the kids have the audacity to call their team the Red Sox or the Athletics or the Blue Jays?

What nut case in the MLB heirarchy brought this on? OH, I forgot. Bud Selig is still the Commissioner. The longest serving Commissioner since Landis. Will that explains it. So soon after the steroids scandle, we are provided with another fine example of image and perception trumps reality and reason. Attention Don Fehr(sp), cleanup in aisle 7.

You can't have it both ways.

I don't blame MLB for protecting it's copyright, as it spends hundreds of millions of dollars a year promoting it. Little League Inc. does the same thing (i.e. "LL approved products"), and I would be willing to bet the cad cop league has marketing policies' similiar to MLB and LL.

From a merchandizing point of view you'd think the teams would want to have unique names to maximaize their marketing effort over the long term and prevent confusion. I personally prefer youth teams etc using a little more imgination with naming their teams, even naming the teams after the sponser rather then a MLB team is better in my book!
Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox, Bourne Braves, Orleans Cardinals, Hyannis Mets is not stepping on franchise toes. You can't do anything about using the names and they know that.

What they want them to do is buy from MLB licensed vendors (which they make money from), not local vendors, who provide sponsorship also, uni's, merchandise etc. and on top of that pay a 11% franchise fee.
Another way that big business hurts the little guy.
All for a 100K grant. Now if they wanted to pony up more $$, no problem.

My son played at the cape, these blessed people spend months working hard raising money to support the league, and their teams FOR NOTHING. They must be beside themselves.
I think it is time for my old high school to put the squeeze on MLB - we have been the padres for 75 years.

MLB just doesn't get it sometimes. The cape cod league is something that can enhance their brand. The whole experience of sitting on the grass under the lights at Chatham, watching the best college baseball players playing the game that they and I both love- nothing could be better. Why not try to expand the association rather than try to constrain it?

Last edited by 08Dad
My guess is that if they came up with unique names and logos, they could tell MLB to suck eggs and make more money on sales than they do now. That has certainly been the experience of local MiLB franchises who have taken that course.

It's just a dirty shame that someone at MLB had the amazingly poor judgment to draft the letter. Lord only knows how many other officious folk saw and approved the letter before it went out. Now they have a PR debacle on their hands and my guess is before too long there will be retractions and apologies.

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