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I have a question. My son wants to attend some of the open workouts/tryouts for the Majors. On the web, I have noticed that there are some listed for the Major League Scouting Bureau and then on another part of the site, there are dates/times listed for individual specific teams? Are both recommended to attend?
Thanks in advance. Any advice arrpeciated.
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WOW!!!!!!! I thought someone with more knowledge than me would pick up on this thread but I guess it is up to me. OK. here goes.

My son has only been to one of each: that is, one time to the MLB Scouting Bureau and one time to a Cincinata(sp) Reds tryout. At the MLB tryout there were many more players with much less talent than at the Reds tryout. The MLB scout graded everyone a 2 [the lowest possible number] on everything except one 19 year old college player that graded higher on running who was the only one at the camp that ran the 60 in less than 7.0 seconds. The MLB tryout was in the late summer and my son was between his freshman and sophomore year of high school. I took two other boys from the Legion team I coached. My conclusion: unless you have blazing speed, a 90 plus fastball or hit baseballs out of the park with a wooden bat on a regular basis, I would not recommend it. The scout was very busness-like and unapproachable, offered no suggestions and graded almost everyone as a 2 in everything [which was not good for anybody's ego]

NOTE: A Pittsburgh Pirates scout that attended this tryout took my son aside after he received his set of 2s and told him that he rated him higher than a 2 on his infield defense because out of 8 times fielding a ground ball and throwing it to first he was the only one that had made an accurate throw to first base every time. That comment at least made him feel a little bit better.

At the Red's tryout that same summer only 5 players showed up. Perhaps it was because of the numbers or maybe their ages [all high school players] but the Red's scout spent some time with the boys and did some coaching. Still, no one was evaluated very high except for one boy who received a slightly better grade on hitting that the others. He graduated this year, was not drafted by the Reds or anyone else and is attending West Virginia Univerisity on a partial scholarship.

I think it was a good first experience for my son but, as i said before, unless you have some special skill or tool at which you excel, I would go to one of the Team tryout and stay away from the MLB Scout Bureau Camps but, again, that opinion is based on very limited experience.

Good luck to everyone.

My son went to a Padres tryout last summer between his HS Soph and Jr years (he is a rising Sr now). I thought it was a positive experience. About 40+ guys showed up. A couple more about his age, recent HS grads, old HS grads, current college players, and about 4 recent college grads (these were the ones they were most interested in). It was all about business but the scouts were approachable, by the players, and were very polite. My son thought it was great because after the tryouts the head scout took the time to take him aside and talk to him about his game, where he went to HS, what grade he was in, who his coach was, some other stuff, and offered him some words of encouragement.

Based on this one experience, I would say it is worth the time. I plan, if time permits, on having him attend one this summer also.
My son attended the Pirates workout last summer. Coaches comment"son you got it all but where did you leave your arm this morning". Son is a catcher....not a great comment. Before teh draft we get a call from a rep. from the pirates. what did he say..."I see you found your arm" THe one negative comment from the summer really took my son to another work out level.
Any opportunity to "strut your stuff" is a great "life experience". If you do well and get noticed, more power to you, if you are just another "Joe" you can pick up a copy of the application and a trinket from the event, store it at home, and bring it out to show and talk baseball with your kids years down the road.

I've been to a good number of these events that are open to the public and there's nothing better to see than a kid with a dream that at least had a shot. It's funny because you look around and the biggest smiles are from kids the furthest from being in the the show. Many of those with tools that are struggling to be noticed will say the others are not worthy of being there. I say Hogwash. The teams and the MLB SB expect them as it is the price they pay for finding a diamond in the rough.

ENJOY THE RIDE, they are few and far between.
Last edited by rz1
Well, we will see what happens w/ this latest step in his career of the wonderful game of baseball. ACBL is to be the "gateway to the majors" and scouted heavily. Add a few tryouts here and there, hopefully, something wonderful happens for him. I know that he has worked hard! As RZ said, enjoy the ride, tomorrow it may be gone.

Thanks to all who have responded. I appreciate it. I'll post more if there is anything to tell.

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