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This might be fun and it sure will be interesting to read. Pick a team, and write how you feel about their season. Breakdown the team by some postitions and predict their fortunes. It is always fun to read these in SI preview editions and I'd like to see a HSBBW style thread. Either that or tell us a team and someone could do a writeup. So just pick a team and discuss how they are going to to, based on offseason deals, prospects, returns from injury etc. Good luck and lets have fun with this.
"Big D, No E, that's the way it's gotta be!!"
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I am going to do one on the Chicago Cubs, just because I think that they will win it this year.
The strength on this team is their pitching, most definitly, as long as they stay healthy. It looks like that the beginning rotation will have Zambrano, Prior, Maddux, Rusch, and Williams. Pretty solid there. That isnt factoring Wade Miller or Kerry Wood either. In the bullpen, they have some talented young lefties in Rich Hill and John Koronka and lots of strong righties as well. David Aardsma, Roberto Novoa, Angel Guzman and Mike Wuertz are all studs. They brought in Williamson, Eyre and Howry to shore up the back end with Dempster. So as long as they stay healthy, watch out.

The offense will sure be interesting. Jacque Jones is a solid pickup and Matt Murton is a good young player. But my questions are with Pierre. Will he be able to regain the skills again? He is the sparkplug and will make this offense go. He will be huge this year. Derrek Lee will most likely tail off a little bit, but you are getting a healthy Hairston Jr and you still have Aramis Ramirez there too. They would be wise to trade a pitcher to get another bat there, but they are my pick for the central.

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