Originally posted by DP2005:
2nd Round
Dodgers vs Tigers
Tigers win 5-2 in 13 innings
Green pitched the first 6 with Bevins in after for tigers
Great game by both teams pitchers. Jason Simoneck pitched the first 7 innings for the Dodgers with James Parsons coming in for relief. Parsons pitched the last 5 innings and took the loss but pitched a great game. Green and Beavans did a great job of course as the results show. Not a good game for the hitters.
Now, the only problem for both teams is that they both burned two pitchers - although at least the Tigers burned two pitchers to get a WIN.
The Dodgers went on to beat the Mustangs 3-2 after their game with the Tigers. The Dodgers were definitely dragging - physically and mentally - after that game with the Tigers but they were able to escape with the win.
Again, congratulations to both teams.