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I have had some of my posts deleted without explaining why. I asked for a reason to be given in a PM, but none was given. I realize the Moderator can delete things for any reason, but common courtesy would at least be to give the reason. It seems to me that some can "flame bait" and get away with it, but a "flame response" gets deleted.
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micmeister - I don't believe I have ever had the privilege of deleting one of your posts Smile

It is a job that comes with criticism. I believe your point is well-taken and that moderators should send a pm if possible. Everyone on the site is a moderator btw although everyone does not have the power to delete someone elses post.
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
micmeister - I don't believe I have ever had the privilege of deleting one of your posts Smile

It is a job that comes with criticism. I believe your point is well-taken and that moderators should send a pm if possible. Everyone on the site is a moderator btw although everyone does not have the power to delete someone elses post.

Thank you!
Everyone on the site is a moderator btw although everyone does not have the power to delete someone elses post.

What a great way of putting it! And I agree that it is preferable to send a PM about the deleted post, but I understand the reasons why sometimes that doesn't happen. It is often a matter of just not having enough time to adequately explain to each member involved in the thread, AND (please don't take this negatively, anyone) not having the time to get into the long PM threads that sometimes follow a moderator's action. Another very true quote by CD (gosh he is a smart guy):
"It is a job that comes with criticism."

Originally posted by observer44:
Possible explainations for deletion:

Rotational Moderator viewing a Linear post?

Linear Moderator viewing a rotational post?.

I just noticed that the Bill of Rights as a new amendment that has been written due to hsbbw lobby pressure. It reads...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of baseball batting swing styles, or prohibiting the training of either Linear or rotational preferences thereof; or abridging the freedom of posting such preferences on message boards; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble at a facility to practice said style, and to petition the Government or a hsbbw moderator with sufficient karma points for a redress of grievances.

Thats clout
Last edited by rz1

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