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Congratulations to those named in the 2008 Moderators Pre-Season Awards:

Sandbagger of the year: tychco. Runner up: 11sdad.

Favorite player: Nico Taylor. Runners up: Kaleb Merck and every player that excelled last year in 8th grade. Big Grin

Teams most likely to win state: Plano, Poteet, and all three McKinney teams. Cool

Best topic: Anything with a list. Runner up: Topics about a specific summer team.

Worst topic: Anything with a list. Runner up: Topics about a specific summer team.

Most missed poster: OBN. Runner up: Ken Guthrie.

Least missed poster: Train. Runner up: Ken Guthrie.

Blondest poster: Isn’t it obvious?

Best disguised poster: cheapseats (you gotta love his disguise). Big Grin

Worst disguised poster: kirk. Runner up: hernandez.

Dual award -- Newest old poster and Oldest new poster: Robert S.

Most respected poster: swingdoctor14. Runners up: Uncle Ethan and funneldrill.

Most notorious baseball figure: Roger Clemens.

Best advertiser, Texas Forum: DBAT! Cool

Feel free to add your awards!

Disclaimer: this topic is strictly for fun. After all, it is nothing but a list -- see above.
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I am honored to be mentioned in the same category as the great swingdoctor and Uncle Ethan.

Today was not a very fun day for me. I had to be a "bad cop" with my players today because our 3 week grade report was not good. We had our lowest passing percentage since I have been at Summit. Unfortunately, this is a school wide problem we are having. Usually the baseball guys are around a 90% passing rate (only girls golf and tennis have better passing rates), but this time was bad...real bad. Now I know, it is the beginning of the grading period so a lot of teachers do not have alot grades in the gradebook ( I know, so make every assignment count right? ). One bad grade can really hurt you. I have zero ineligible kids on the varsity right now, but the JV and Freshman are in trouble. If our kids could lose their eligiblity at the 3 week progress report, we would not be able to field any subvarsity teams!!! This is embarassing!!!

So, I had to lecture the entire group today...not fun. I had to discipline the kids that are failing...not fun. I know I got my message across to them, hopefully they will come through in the next two weeks and get their grades up or we will not be fielding subvarsity teams.

I have a quote up in our locker room. It reads, "Discipline yourself so others do not have to!" I hate wasting my time disciplining kids instead of throwing BP, reviewing bunt coverages, defending the double steal, defending the slash play, coaching pitchers in the bull pen.

Parents, make sure you remind your kids why they go to school. It is not to play baseball, it is to get an education. Remember, this is not football...your baseball playing sons will not get an admissions exemption because he does not meet the admissions requirements of the good old State U. State U. only grants those to the football and basketball guys because those are "revenue generating sports." Baseball guys have to be "scholar-athletes." In that order!

Sorry for rambling.
funneldrill- That is not rambling, it's smart. I must admit that second semester senior year is hitting us all at little Jesuit, but I hope that the storm will blow through. I must say when I initially read your post, I immediately worried about seniors, but if your V is cleared, be somewhat glad. It's not always a bad thing to be a STUDENT-athlete considering there is life outside of baseball and HSBBW.

Now if I could only convince all the adults that should be working instead of posting Wink.
I'm not Catholic PD. I know my destination in the future already Big Grin... Frown

thats-a-balk- To answer your question, I am undecided to this point. I could go into everything and why I'm considering where I'm considering, but I will not bore you or everyone else. I am waiting to hear back from one school in my top two about academic scholarship and then I also have to hear about admittance from one school in my top 3. Chances are I will end up at the DIII level.
Last edited by Dtiger
Cheapseats and PD,

I don't see why the two of you keep reminding me of the Yankee game. I was proud of my online ticket purchase. I mean, how many posters get to watch pre-season NY Yankee baseball in the brewery at the base of the Empire State Building? I remember feeling that Texas to New York was far enough to travel without throwing Florida into the mix. (How's that for reasoning?!)

I'm not blonde. Am I? Are we talking bleached? I've never bleached my hair. I use bleach in the wash, but it never really gets all the stains out. I heard Fels Napa was really good. I looked for it when I was in California at the Napa Valley, but they only sold wine. Some of the best wine, I've ever had. Once at a ballgame I heard this daddy whine about a bad call. He was pretty comical, what were we discussing?
Last edited by collikar

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