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Deja Vu!

I do! Big Grin Is your name gary

Some of us are degenerate bseball fans and absolutely love to live our lives through our kids as they play ball. I know that this makes me a not very good parent. I just cannot help myself. I like to admit this so that people can condescend to me and make themselves feel better by knowing that I am immature and they are much better people than I am. Big Grin

"I love the HSBBW"
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I didn't mean to put anyone on the defensive w/ such a tough question, but the question is LEGIT. I like to watch my son play BB as much as anyone, but don't feel that practice is a place for parents to hang out. (Occassionaly, yes, but not on a consistant basis). I think it was much different at the pre hs level, but hs and beyond (give Johnny some room to grow on his own). I know my son has made comments to me about why SOME parents are always at practice.

I don't have a problem with people feeling the way that you do. I have a problem with them somehow feeling superior because of it. I will give you an example.

I didn't mean to put anyone on the defensive w/ such a tough question, but the question is LEGIT. I like to watch my son play BB as much as anyone, but don't feel that practice is a place for parents to hang out. (Occassionaly, yes, but not on a consistant basis).

I understand your need to feel that way. I do not understand your need to then project your feelings, and turn them into rules for everyone. It would be like me saying that: "I go to every practice, and if you don't then you are not supporting the team and you should believe the way that I do."

I think it was much different at the pre hs level, but hs and beyond (give Johnny some room to grow on his own). I know my son has made comments to me about why SOME parents are always at practice.

THERE IT IS! "(give johnny some room to grow)"
That is insinuating that I am smothering my son, not letting him grow up, being overbearing, etc. That is absolutely ridiculous. I am not at the park screaming instructions at him, (nor are any of the other 20 parents I saw on Monday).

Why do you feel the need to back up your position by insinuating that people who do not do it the way you believe are somehow doing something wrong? That is a bit condescending. My son is 6'4 235lb's 18 years old and he wants me there to watch his form and mechnaics because nobody knows them better than me. So why should I staty away just because you or your son doesn't like parents there?

I make my coices, you should make yours and not be so judgemental of people who don't believe the way that you do.

PS. Every spring we have these discussions and there are plenty of people who feel the way that you do. This is a hs baseball website and most of the people here like baseball. Probably not the greatest topic for baseball crazy parents. Many of whom have children that have moved away to go to college to play ball and no longer have the chance to watch their sons every day.

"I love the HSBBW"
I try to make as many practices as I can. As long as a parent keeps quite I don't see any problem. My son enjoys me being there and the coach must not have a problem with it since he often talks to me about his pitching rotations and such. I must admit I would really love to be back out there on the field myself. Regardless, I'm sure my support has helped my son over the years and I look forward to his HS Senior season this year and next year college baseball.
I'm with BigHit.

One thing I have learned from reading this board the last couple of years......take all advice with a grain of salt.

It is my decision to make. Not anybody elses. I will decide to go or not to go and the opposing side can rant all they want about me smothering my kid, or kissin' the coaches arse all they want. I actually enjoy watching my kids play ball, whether at practice or in a game.

I also talk to my son when he's at home, we also do other fun stuff together like going out in the woods hiking. I also take a great concern when it comes to his grades, and talk to his teachers on a regular basis.

What do I get out of it? A very close relationship with my son. If I wasn't there Monday, my son would most definately be very disappointed in me.

And yes, I posted this up on purpose to draw some of the lurkers out. Big Grin
guess i am the lucky ones. my office is less than a mile from the field and i attend practice every day. i set in my truck behind centerfield and watch for as long as they play. coach does not let anything interfere with his daily routine nor has a parent took it to that limit. my son has been playing since age 4, i was lucky enough to have coached him until he was 14, i never miss a practice, don't see any reason to start know. if you can go, do so the memories will last a life time.
He was not bluffing practice is closed.The kids don't really care.A couple may be glad.They just want to play.The parents that I have talked to are upset.Grandparents are upset.No explanation was given.Evidently there were parent problems that we did not know about.Still looking forward to Monday,but it will not be the same.Come on 2/10,first scrimmage!
He wouldn't know quickness if it bit him in the butt. Big Grin

He has always been 6'4. Actually, he was 6'3 1/4 last year, but 6'4 with cleats. After all you always round up. Now he is 6'3 3/4 w/o cleats. lol

He went on a strict lifing program after Jupiter and went from actually 225-237and lost inches in the waist. He has a very firm body and looks great right now. Will probably lean out 5 lbs or so by the beginning of the season. Most of it came in his lower body.

Where have you been?

the Florida Bombers
"I love the HSBBW"
Tryouts being closed to parents and others..
A Coach told me it was to make sure the tryout field was level in the parents eyes. Some can make it and some can't. Players don't feel that if their parents had been able to attend maybe they would have made it instead of being cut. Also helps the kids who's parents are never around not to feel like they have a ****** set of parents. It Happens. Also the coach won't get blamed for keeping those whose parents showed up.

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