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I would say Go to the Practice if they are Open Practices, if your son doesn't mind and you have the time to do it.....

Enjoy what you can, when you can and don't worry about being P.C. or worry about what others will think about you going to practice because in the years to come all those people that might judge you or that make commments as to why you were at practice won't be a part of your life, but your son will be there and it will be part of the memories you two will share for years to come.
Last edited by oldbat-never
Originally posted by oldbat-never:
I would say Go to the Practice if they are Open Practices, if your son doesn't mind and you have the time to do it.....

Enjoy what you can, when you can and don't worry about being P.C. or worry about what others will think about you going to practice because in the years to come all those people that might be judging you or making commments as to why you were at practice won't be a part of your life, but your son will be there and it will be memories you will share.

That's what we have been waiting for! Smile
I would not take anything for the times I went to all of my boys practices.Dont think I ever embarresed my sons because I always stayed in my truck parked next to other dads visiting and "solving all the roster problems and batting order problems among our selves" I say if you are not in the way and the coach does mind if you watch,I would do it if you can because To soon they get away from you and then high school and or college is over.I miss watching them and practise play...

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