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It seems as if just about every aspect of the sports world from is being changed by money --- or accused of being changed FOR money. Wheaties will not renew Michael Phelps' financial contract, accusations that $oCal high school baseball being destroyed by those seeking to make money, pay to play $ports, college camp$, recruiting $ervices popping up everywhere. $howcase your money I mean kid with us. This morning I see where a very popular "non profit" $ports organization has been taken over by the city because they failed to keep financial records.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Collierville officials have suspended the operations of a popular youth athletic program because of concerns about the way the volunteer-run group handles money.

An audit found that the Collierville Youth Athletic Association (recreational and competitive baseball) has virtually no financial records of its activities -- which violates the town's service contract, Collierville Mayor Stan Joyner said Friday afternoon.

Until auditors can see detailed financial records, he said there is no way to tell if there is any financial wrongdoing.

"We're not accusing anybody of anything," he stressed. "We want them to be accountable."

The announcement came as hundreds of parents were planning to sign up their children for baseball or softball today with the CYAA.

Instead, they can sign up Monday with the town's Parks and Recreation Department, which is taking over youth sports programs. (and the participation fees)

If your son is an athlete you might want to count your money instead of your blessings. Confused
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