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There are certainly chemicals/substances and (changes in) body chemistry that effect vision. An extreme enough change in blood sugar level will change a person's eyesight, by way of example.

Best part of the article, I like the new name for bonds- "The Creature".

The reference to other sports, track & field for example is also interesting. If this was the Olympics it would be bye, bye to The Creature (....and well it should be).
Ted williams' excuse for what? that he didn't have 40 lbs of steroid induced muscle, and the side benefits that can come with chemical enhancement (at least until it all catches up with you), that he gave up about 6 years of the prime of his career to serve TWO tours in the military, that he played in an 8 team league without the diluted pitching talent seen today full of guys terrified to pitch inside, that he hit .400...........

Certainly, you have to have certain talent and all the steroids in the world can't IMO make you hit major league pitching if you couldn't otherwise. But, it helps take you to another (unfair) level such as 73 homruns rather than 61. It gives you unnatural increased power, agression, resiliency (at least until it catches up to you) etc. Many guys in an earlier day did cocaine for that added agression and "boost" (or so they thought).

bonds doesn't now deny what he did. He now denies that he "knowingly" did it and, all things about him considered, I just don't believe him.
Last edited by HeyBatter
Do steroids turn an average player into a talented top league leader? No, not at all.
The problem is we have top talented athletes looking for an edge. Some of them believe they are getting that from steroids. This may enhance their performance but in baseball, not by much. Talented players who do not indulge in this illegal substance should be protected against those who do. If found guilty, harsh penalties should be enforced and carried out.

Talent is god given that is nurtured with hard work, dedication, and discipline. There is no drug to date that can replace talent.

It’s kind of funny how our society works at times, OJ is found not guilty even with DNA evidence and Peterson is found guilty on circumstantial evidences only. I’m not saying is innocent by any means.
There are those who are willing to excuse anything a sports celebrity does. They rationalize many excuses. They say that steroids don't make that much of a difference when we've seen from the Olympics that the best athletes in the world can be outclassed by almost as good of athletes using steroids and other performance enhancing drugs. How did Marion Jones who dominated the 2000 Olympics do in the 2004 Olympics? Just another BALCO client denying use of steroids. In baseball stars become superstars. Who really thinks that Caminiti would have won the MVP without steroids? When they took Caminiti from a sub 30 hr hitter to a 40 hr hitter how can you then think that they weren't a significant help to Bonds?
Great article posted by Glove Man. Major League baseball does not test for HGH. They test for 26 different steroids, but not HGH.

When they tested the players two years ago, they agreed that if less than 5% came back positive, there would be no testing. The players were informed of the drugs that they were going to be tested for and had plenty of time to clean up. When they tested, 7% came back positive--------that is 84 major league players who came back positive when they could have used masking agents and no one would have tested positive. How many do you think were really using steroids? How many do you think use HGH?
Last edited by pops

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