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This stuff is making me ill. We are in a battle trying to save a program and we keep hearing about more. I sure wish there was more that could be done. Our present battle involves getting the politicians involved. If it works here maybe it will work elsewhere.

Every college has big donors. If those donors happen to like baseball.... and threaten to keep their money if the college cuts baseball... What happens?
We are fortunate to have relatives of pols "working" in high paying jobs that don't actually have any purpose or responsibilities. We have a huge beaurocracy to run a single road--the Mass Pike. I could go on and on and on. We have a governor with an approval rating of around 16% after just two years.

Words of wisdom: Massachusetts is a nice place to visit...

Like the wise old man once said though...

"If you sit around in a circle, and throw your problems in said circle.... chances are you'll take your own problems and go home...."

California is a beautiful place to visit as well.

The really sad thing is that the rest of the country seems to want to follow the mess we've made of things...


Last edited by AcademyDad

when they announced they were dropping some sports at unh.(due to tittle 9) which is a different reason than these schools, i know. one of which was baseball. they raised about 200k. the school said no. a few times over the years it went to our legislature,they said no.

hopefully they strike while the irons hot, once they drop the sport it's very hard to restart it. it shouldn't be, but out of sight out of mind

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