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Hello all,

I have seen many questions on this site that ask how to get noticed or ways of getting more exposure for college bound student athletes. A friend and myself have started a website,"" that I think could help many parents or students that would like to explore this route of exposure. It is affordable and offers the resources to promote yourself to college recruiters. We are offering at this time a discounted price of $40.00 to all athletes of all grades. It is a one time fee with unlimited updates(updates are done by you,not us). To take advantage of this price just complete all information on the registration including signature fields and enter CT 15 into the registration code to receive the $40.00 profile. Thank you and I hope this can help. If you have any questions about our service, please feel free to email me at
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I have just recently moved from Xenia to the Orlando area. Well, right now iy is myself and the actual owner Kirk Mays. Kirk and I graduated in 1995 and both were good athletes and played with many talented athletes who just could'nt get noticed because of the size of our school. It was hard for us and the kids we played with to get any kind of exposure so years down the road we realized this and are trying to help. We try not to do the whole sales pitch thing and just try to give the kids who would like to further their athletics a better opportunity. The ct at the end of my ID are my initials- casey timmons. Thanks for responding and I hope we can help!
Recruiting helper ct, I’m sorry but you have come to the wrong place to get an endorsement for your forty dollar internet recruiting service. I have a problem in that a young player or his parent could be misled and think this is the answer to their recruiting needs. Instead, I suggest the parent get proactive and guide their son’s recruiting and not rely on $40.00 dollars worth of “possible” internet “exposure”.
Real “exposure” is done on the baseball field in front of coaches and scouts. A showcase or a combine format is the most effective along with a good summer team.

I agree that exposure is done on the baseball field, but I have been through the traveling teams and the combines and seen the blue chippers get noticed while a good player may not have one of his best days on the field get overlooked.We want the parents to be involved in the whole process of getting thier kids into college.Bieng able to send a profile to a college of their choice and saying " hey, I am interested in playing for your university here are my stats for the past two years and you can follow my career through this service." Letting them know what tournaments you will be at and when.The service may not be for everyone, it does offer more exposure and is just another avenue that people can take advantage of. It offers exposure across the nation. Like I said before,it is an avenue that you can take or not.No sense in bashing it.
I am with Fungo on this one. College coaches could care less for stats, I don't know if you realize that or not. As we always say, they ask for GPA before stats (you might want to consider this when advertising your services).
Coaches appreciate that letter written by the player themselves more than from a recruiting service. It may be useful tool when done the right way, but the $40 you are charging is more scary than a fee of $150 ( I believe what you pay for is what you get).
Do coaches actually follow a players career through recruiting services? Or do they call up scouts, showcase people, coaches and other contacts that have actually seen the player play?
Tiger Paw,

The profiles are not just athletic.We incluce THE GPA,ACT and SAT scores on the profiles.The letter of interest sent by the student or parent will be from them but will incude the printable profile that will alow a college in California to follow the progress of student that they may have never have gotton the chance to see in Ohio. It allows the college to keep up with a prospect until they feel the need to visit with that person.The $40.00. The prices these kids pay for services that do not keep accurate accounts of thier stats and grades is rediculous and that is our main focus.We provide a meeting place for the colleges and students.Our prices are there to allow everyone not just the standouts an opportunity. There are more good athletes out there than high profiled.It is free for every college in the United States to sign onto the website so the way we figured is why charge hundreds of dollars when we can give high profiled athletes and good athletes the same opprotunity.Keep bring on the questions because I am going to run into these same statements and questions down the road and want to portray a legitimate offer and service.
Recruiting helper ct

Not for nothing and I am not bashing but a few things

01--there is no background on you and your partner on your site--what college? Did you play baseball?

02-- soxnole hit it earlier and I will again-- you spelling is poor--if you want to impress the first thing you need is a solid presentation

You don't have that !

Not bashing--just advising --trust me if you can help the kids --great--- I am all for whatever anyone can do for the kids --if it is done right
Last edited by TRhit
College or MLB scouts loved to hear about talented players worth looking at. The problem is most recruiting services recommend players that cant crack a church softball team

I had recommended a player to colleges and MLB scouts only included a some MLB scouts references and recommendation from his summer league coach the start of his sophomore year in 2002. At the time, he had not been to any major tournaments or any HS Showcases, but within 2 weeks he heard from 150 colleges .

The player mentioned went in the 1st Round in 2004.

a no brainer ask players who used a recruiting service how much interest they got before and how much they got after using their service

The Recruiting Source does not recommend a specific student/athlete... We are not an organization that sends agents to promote certain athletes. What we offer is the athlete/student a way to create their own personal profile for colleges to view. The profiles are set up to highlight activities outside of their high school teams, i.e. traveling teams, camps or showcases. There are many different ways to get noticed by colleges/MLB, but this is just an additional tool that parents and athletes alike can use to promote themselves outside of their local area. There are many athletes who just want a college education whether it be a Div I or Jr. College level.
Baseball players looking for exposure and/or help in their college search, the hsbbweb is the place to get that kind of help and it has valuable resources that will answer most of your questions.

The Grand Pooh Bah created "The World Famous HSBBWEB" for just that reason. He wanted YOU to have a source of "where to go" when you have questions relating to the 5 w's of baseball.

If a player and/or his parents thoroughly research the hsbbweb, you will find an enormous amount of information. This will help the hs player and his family pertaining to hs, college, or pro baseball questions of who, what, when, where and why.

The main page of the hsbbweb is where you start your search. Just to name a few of the important topics listed, please spend some time and browse through a few of the below listed topics:

1) Recruiting Tips
2) Articles
3) Interviews by College Coaches and others - read their response to questions about on-line Recruiting Services and do they use them.
4) Showcases
5) Camps and Training
6) Pro Scouting
7) Editorials

Then, you have the "Message Boards" where the hsbbweb has attracted on a regular basis some of the most knowledgeable baseball vip's to be found within the baseball internet community.

Websters on the hsbbweb replying to your important questions, just might be one or more of the following:

Showcase Dirtectors, current and/or former College Coaches, current and/or former Professional Scouts, current and/or former Pro Players, current and/or former High School Coaches, or experienced parents, friends and others whom simply enjoy helping kids find a path in their search to play hs, college or pro baseball.
I don't know whether ct is legit or not, but we (and I suspect a lot of other mid to lower level prospects) have gotten a lot of use out of a Skillshow site that does some of the stuff that ct is talking about and more (and for a lot more $). It also provides a way to effectively allow coaches to view video through the internet site, but it is also valuable because it allows us to continually update reference info, academic info, schedules, etc., and for the few interested coaches to access the updated information. I know some coaches (again D2 and D3 for the most part) also use the site as a resource to find something out about a prospect to help decide whether to look at the prospect to begin with. I think that if ct is legit, his service could provide something of value at a fairly low cost that could be of use for the mid to lower level prospect from an organization standpoint. It is easy for a kid to point a coach to a website, provide a password, and let the coach get updated schedules, references, grades, test scores, yes and even stats, whenever he wants to. I know this kind of thing isn't necessary for many of you who have (or are) high level prospects, but for others, every little bit can help. We all need to remember that the recruiting process (maybe for some of us better called the "searching process") is different for each player. If ct is really interested in helping the student-athlete, then a low-cost, organized webpage with pertinent information that can be continually updated on a site where coaches can find lots of athlete profiles seems to me not a bad idea.
As an entrepreneur myself, I applaud you for identifying a need and trying to build a business to fill it. It’s tough to start any business. Lots of people want to see entrepreneurs fail for a variety of reasons, many of which are not always honorable.

While much of what has been said by posters is valid, I would not let that deter you if you truly believe you can deliver value to the customer. And that’s the question that some of these knowledgeable posters seem to be challenging; can you deliver value to the customer?

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