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While visiting Trinity University for the opening day and weekend activities, I had the pleasure to speak with Jeremy Wolf.  He was their left fielder on the 2016 Championship team and then ended up being drafted by the Mets. Jeremy is now out of baseball due to a serious injury from which he could not recover.

Jeremy is one of the founding members of a non-profit called "More than Baseball."  Its goal is to do what MILB, the MLBPA and MLB don't. Its goal is to assist MILB players in overcoming the challenges created by MLB getting the "Save America's Pastime" law pushed through Congress and further enhancing  MLB's monopolistic dominance over the playing conditions and salaries of MILB players.

This is a wonderful article in Forbes about this effort to assist those while they are trying to make it through MILB while also generating a base from which most will move forward after baseball.

Personally, I found it amazing that a group of players would care so much they would undertake an effort which MLB owners, MLB, MILB owners and even the players association would not.


'You don't have to be a great player to play in the major leagues, you've got to be a good one every day.'

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