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I know that you all are a pretty savvy bunch. I want to buy some mp3 players for the kids for Christmas, but sad to say, I'm not really sure how these work. I am looking for recommendations. My kid has an IMAC G5 - mac seems to be different in a lot of ways from my windows based pc. Here at home we have just regular pc. Do these mp3 players just plug in to the front USB port and download songs from the computer? I don't really want to spend over $90 All the guys at work have these things and when I start asking about them, they just smile and tell me to buy ipod. They know I don't have a clue, I thought for a long time that one of them was wearing a remote for medical purposes around his neck. Thank you very much . Wink
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If your son has a Mac, I suggest getting him an iPod, the programs will run together seamlessly. Now, depending on how big of a music lover he is, you have a few choices. The 20 GB iPod gave me more than enough space for music, (holds 5000 songs) or the newest iPod is the Nano, which is smaller than a credit card (extremely cool Cool) and holds about 1000 with a color screen. I have had an ipod for over a year now and have never had any problems.

The biggest problem is that you won't find a real good one for less than $90. (Try eBay)

As for the USB port, with iPod, you plug it in the back and the iPod automatically puts your songs on if you have installed the iTunes program (FREE).

If you have any more questions, shoot me a pm!

Good luck!
Last edited by SonOfAMoc
YBM, for the price you mentioned, I'm guessing you're looking at the "Ipod SHUFFLE" - the only decent player in that price range. I just bought one (works on PC and Mac) and love it. Will hold up to 120 songs (plenty IMO) and the software it comes with is super easy to work with.
Move fast, though -- I hear the Shuffle may be this year's 'Talking Elmo'!!
I think I would look for a real audio player, the originals such as the IRiver's or better yet the Archos gmini.

I got the gmini xs200 on ebay 20g for just about 100 delivered, but then I got an even better deal.... which I kept for myself the archos gmini 400 for 130 delivered. Of course both were used, but doing great.

This close to xmas, things seem to go up as everyone is scrambling for gifts.

son's like the gmini's because of the file system, and it can be used as a portable drive.

do a google search Ipod vs gmini

cnet review
The 20gig is nice, holds around 5000 songs. I know those bus trips are long.... but who needs 5000 songs? I use the 400 for pictures and as a portable old laptop is just 20gigs!
Given that he has a mac, I would suggest an iPod as well.

I have had one since they first came out 3+ years ago. My son has a iPod Shuffle, my daughter an iPod nano and I have an iPod Mini now. We have never had any problems with any of them - and I would not leave the house on a trip without mine.

The smallest shuffle is $99, which holds 120 songs. There is also one twice the size - meaning it holds 240 songs which sells for $129.

The next size up is a nano - which goes for $199 and holds 500 songs... and so on...

You may be able to find a used one on eBay for less - but the biggest concern I would have is that the battery life may be much shorter if it is an older model. Apple has done wonderful things with battery life with the more recent models.

As for other products that also play mp3s, I have not used any of them extensively, but have heard that they much more difficult to work with than apple because of the iTunes software (runs on the mac and manages the movement of music to and from the iPod.)

Hope this helps, feel free to PM if you have more questions.
My son as has ipod shuffle and loves it. They were given nano ipods for being super regional contenders, with some car thingy you can listen to in the car. But he loves his shuffle, uses it all the time.
In October we bought him an armband to place his shuffle into when running.
BYW, think that you may be seeing them less this holiday than $99. We have a store here that is selling them for $50 tomorrow.
You don't need a MAC to use with the ipods, works with a PC.
Last edited by TPM
YourBasicMom - the ipods do have tons of accessories which makes it nice to build on in the future. My son has a mini and has the arm band and car adapter (which kids love). You can buy a mini stereo thing with speakers and an alarm clock system which your ipod fits into. Gives you some great gift ideas for future birthdays, etc. I may buy my daughter a shuffle for Christmas - still deciding amongst her many other request! Eek

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