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As you know MD has several private schools who go every year. At the same time I am glad to see where some public schools did travel last year and hope the number increases. If it is a county by county rule, let's hope more counties allow it to happen.

It is always nice to see our teams play and meet kids outside the area.

So where is everyone (Private and Public) headed.

Al McCormick
My sons team played their first game of the season (scrimmage) last Tuesday. Many people on this site know that my son Andrew is recovering from Tommy John surgery and is in his 8th month of rehab. Well he got to dh and went 0 for 3 with one strike out. He did beat out the throw on a dropped third strike and eventually scored the tying run(game ended 7-7 tie).I figured he was going to be upset that he didn't get a hit. Well when he got in my truck for the trip home he had this huge smile on his face and said man it's good to be back on the field.

Sometimes we all get carried away with wins and loses and how well our team did or didn't do. There's that old saying about takeing time to smell the roses. Well since my sons injury I think it really hit home for us to take the time to enjoy every moment. He plays North County today and Arundel on Monday and we plan on enjoying every minute no matter what the outcome.

Good luck to everyone this season and take the time to smell the roses!

I remember coaching a player who just loved the smell of field being mowed because it meant he was getting ready to play a game.

It is always the little things which create the greatest opportunity!

Very proud of Andrew for sticking with it and more importantly for him to recognize it is really the opportunity to play which has the greatest significance!

Keep working hard!

Al McCormick
Banditsbb -
Congratulations to your son on learning one of the real secrets to all this....'s true, the reward is just being able to be out there playing. Winning is definitely better than losing (hey - that's why we keeps score,right?)....but just playing is what its about!

Hope the rehab continues successfully. Best wishes to both you and your son. My guess is its going to be a great season!
Originally posted by banditsbb:
My sons team played their first game of the season (scrimmage) last Tuesday. Many people on this site know that my son Andrew is recovering from Tommy John surgery and is in his 8th month of rehab. Well he got to dh and went 0 for 3 with one strike out. He did beat out the throw on a dropped third strike and eventually scored the tying run(game ended 7-7 tie).I figured he was going to be upset that he didn't get a hit. Well when he got in my truck for the trip home he had this huge smile on his face and said man it's good to be back on the field.

Sometimes we all get carried away with wins and loses and how well our team did or didn't do. There's that old saying about takeing time to smell the roses. Well since my sons injury I think it really hit home for us to take the time to enjoy every moment. He plays North County today and Arundel on Monday and we plan on enjoying every minute no matter what the outcome.

Good luck to everyone this season and take the time to smell the roses!


I also would like to congratulate your son for hanging in there and gutting it out...Must have been tough on him. I hope he has a great season.
I am new to this website and was wondering if your son attends a Anne Arundel county school?
Last edited by bblife

My son plays for Patapsco High School in Baltimore County. They lost to North County today 7-4, he went 2 for 2 with a double and a rbi. He got upset because they set the starters after three. I got upset because he slid into second hands first. We had a long talk after the game about his slide and his elbow.

Well thanks for all the kind words, if all goes well he will be pitching by the end of summer and early fall.

Good luck to all.

Originally posted by banditsbb:

My son plays for Patapsco High School in Baltimore County. They lost to North County today 7-4, he went 2 for 2 with a double and a rbi. He got upset because they set the starters after three. I got upset because he slid into second hands first. We had a long talk after the game about his slide and his elbow.

Well thanks for all the kind words, if all goes well he will be pitching by the end of summer and early fall.

Good luck to all.


Glad to hear he is on the mend. Make him take his time. If he doesn't pitch until the fall, who cares?

"if he doesn't pitch untill the fall who cares" my feelings exactly.

The problem is for him to understand this. Most of his friends graduate this year and now that he's playing (dh) the baseball bug has got a hold of him. His goal is to be ready to pitch competitively by next fall. What that means is he will start throwing batting practice soon at about 75% then slowing working into games at a very low pitch count. Working on all of his pitch's and mechanics. The throwing program for Tommy John rehab is very precise. IT's like a set of stairs,you have to take one step at a time if you want to reach the top. If you try to take to big of a step you are taking a chance of falling. So as for now he can enjoy playing the game, knowing that there are limatations on what he can do.


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