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Hi Moms...who understand how we like to share when our kids do something well.....

I have mentioned before that my son enjoys music and performing is one of his many interests.

This review appeared in a local music magazine and I wanted to share.

Scroll down just a bit and look for the first review under "LIVE." The band is Silent Pulse and my son is pictured.

Maybe one day I can come visit and hawk his CDs!!
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A drummer they have but I know they would kind of like to find a guitar player who can sing harmony.

With a second guitar, you can add in some more riffs and harmony lines (or whatever you call in guitar-speak). On some of their acoustic stuff, they go with 2 guitars and no bass.

It is not a done deal yet but they may get to play at the Ridglea Theater in Fort Worth which is a pretty big venue for a small time band Smile
They will be the opening act for someone else....keep your fingers crossed!

What fun, thanks for sharing the link! Sounds like your son's band has a bright future. My younger son who just turned 16 is known as the best guitarist in his HS and can sing harmony, but Texas might be a bit too far for him to go to audition! Big Grin He plays several instruments and plans to make music his career, and is currently writing some original songs with his local rock band (just some fellow HS students). Keep us informed about your son ... how old is he?
He's 17 and a 2005 HS grad. The other boys are also 17.
He writes his songs as well. Actually, all 3 of the guys write so there is a nice mix of sounds as they each have a slightly different style.

Most of Tristan's stuff is melodic and lots of picking rather than notes because he writes while sitting in front of the computer with his acoustic guitar. As a result, he wrote most of their acoustic stuff. He and the drummer are in the varsity show choir and do a lot of theater stuff, hence the quality of the harmony. Their song structure can be complex although they do have some simple, fun tunes as well.

All of the band are baseball players as well Wink
Tristan is the only one planning to chase baseball after HS though.

I'm just glad they are well-rounded and multi-dimensional.

Good luck to your son, MN. Music is a wonderful experience. Can't imagine the world without a song.
Tristan only plays guitar and bass proficiently although he has toyed with other instruments. His cousin is a true guitar wizard, though.

I will keep ya'll posted (probably won't be able to help myself) Smile
My '05 baseball playing son also is part of a local band. He plays base guitar and the orginal band are all former baseball players, he is the youngest. He also plays french horn and trumpet in high school bands. It's a real problem having a multi-talented son at times. He has been sidelined from baseball since mid high school season due the need for surgery later this month. At least he had that to fall back on to keep him busy. The band has a website, but I'm not sure what the address is. I'll ask him later and post when he gets back from band practice.

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