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Hi everyone I have been lurking around here for a little while just reading and learning more about the game and decided to post for the first time. This is my 9 year old son's 2nd year playing baseball and also my 2nd year learning because I never played the game when I was younger just football. I was wondering if some of you guys could check out his swing and let me know if there are some things we could work on. I have read tons of information on the mechanics of the swing and have taught him what I interpret to be a good swing. He drives the ball pretty well right now but I just want to make sure he is not developing any bad habits and if he is I want to address them early because he absolutely loves the game.

Thanks In Advance
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Welcome to becoming a poster.

Very impressive. You are doing well and you and your son appear to be ahead of 99% of his peers.

One thing you can start working on is having your son hit the ball deeper in the zone. On the clip you can see him extending his arms out to hit the ball. As he learns to do so, it would help that he maintain two hands on the bat during the follow through. Down the road when his mechanics are perfected, he may choose to let go the top hand after contact.

A good drill for him to do would be to hit into a hitting bag or equivalent where it makes him make contact deeper in zone.

Keep up the good work!
Last edited by SBK
Thanks guys for your responses I will start to work on having him hit deeper in the zone and will post pictures of the changes as they arise. His latest passion and joy besides hitting is catching so he wants to put all of his time into that Smile This website is a valuable resource for dads like myself just trying to teach their kids the proper way to play baseball...

Originally posted by BlueDog:
The Bambino liked low hands.....
I like low hands too, but do you think a Major League hitter could move forward that much during his swing and still be consistent these days? Could that have been why he struck out so much? Just wanting your opinion, no sarcasm meant. I know Itchiro has a lot of forward motion in his swing too and doesn't strike out much, but he doesn't hit many HRs either. Just curious.

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