About a 5 weeks ago I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Stage 4E (my rt lung had some involvement). This was two weeks after my 39 birthday & two weeks before our boy started his Jr yr in HS, and we were so looking forward to this big year. We still have big plans, just have a little speed bump along the way.
After 4 weeks of chemo, my lung has cleared up (still need another biopsy later on) and my Dr tells us that my lymph nodes have all shrunk to normal size but one spot and that one has been reduced by about 80%. So with 8 more weeks of chemo I am progressing well. I have been fortunate not to suffer from Chemo sickness and I have had a good appetite.
I have seen the power of prayer & am asking my HSBW friends to put me in your prayers. I have no plans but to beat this. My son has handled this well and my loving wife has been a rock.
Thank you and God Bless.
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