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I was an avid poster on this site starting from when I was 17.( I am now 20 years old). This site helped me tremendously and the baseball path I chose to take was taking my chances as a walk-on at a perennial D1 contender. I was the only walk on out of 50 kids that went through and got invited to participate in the fall season. I ended up not making the team, but it was not a devastating effect that some may think. In the long run, it may have been the best thing that ever happened to me. It allowed me to have other time to explore my other talents and focus on my family/schoolwork/friends. I am having the time of my life right now. Many posters have asked me to give updates of how I am doing and I thought I would take this time to do so. I have picked up golf to take control of the competitiveness I miss from baseball. I have actually turned into a very good golfer and have explored the possibilities of playing at a high amateur level. I also got to coach a group of 14 year old's this summer, which was awesome. All the parents and coaches told me I did an excellent job, and I am definitely interested in coaching at a high level when I get out of school for good. To all the highschoolers out there, sometimes the end of the baseball road may come before you expect it, but everything happens for a reason, and do what makes you happy, and everything else will fall into line. Gametime24
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