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Here's my recruiting/college situation:

I'm entering my senior year in high school. Freshman-Junior years weren't up to my standards academically, but still averaged a B to B- average.

Baseball wise, was moved up sophomore year and had a horrible junior year. Bounced back last summer (played on a top 3 team in my age divison) and had a good season, yet feeling like I haven't reached my potential yet.

Last November I sent out numerous letters to D1, D2, D3 and Jucos. However (don't yell at me too bad), I didn't follow-up with any. Also, I went to a college evaluation camp last winter and got a decent score.

I might be attending a Doyle Baseball Showcase soon, but heard they weren't worth the money, so I'm not sure.

So now, staring down a winter-workout plan and a senior year on a very elite team in my state (18U), should I resend these letters? My questions are:

1) Is it too late to send the letters?

2) Will the coaches remember the letter from last year, or think i'm "weird" sending the same letter out?

3) Are the Doyle Showcases worth it?

Also, how do I follow up after I recieve letters back (assuming I do).

Anything else related would be great because i'm committed to playing at the next level.

Thanks a lot everyone.
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Resend the letters. Under Recruiting Tips on this website you can even find samples of what to send. In fact, this website contains so much helpful info about schools and recruiting for all levels.

A thought might be to figure out what part of the country you want to go to school in, do some research on the schools you are interested in. Like look at their baseball rosters, look at costs. Think about what you want to major in, and see if those schools offer it.

Read through this, Marketing your player on this website. It will surely help you. Is your Mom or Dad helping you identify potential schools? I did a lot of looking around on the internet for our son in the wee hours in the morning after work.

I don't know a thing about Doyle showcases. And, yes, you will need to follow up letters you have sent. I can't stress enough how much information there is here on this website about getting to college. Best of luck to you.
warriorbaseball05 -
No, it is definitely not too late. I gave some suggestions to an '06 in another
Recruiting thread that applies here too, but as an '05 I suggest you contact coaches directly by phone after you've sent an initial profile/letter of interest. Make sure you first create your list of those colleges that fit your academics, financial needs, & baseball skills.
Last edited by RHP05Parent
My suggestions based on what I've learned thus far:

I don't know if you have made any contacts with a scout or college Coach, but if you have I would definately pick up the phone and call. Find out where these people think you would fit in. If they have an interest in having you in their programs, find out the next steps you need to take and follow up on them.

Many colleges have recruiting forms on-line that you can complete. Complete the forms and follow up with a phone call. If there are some you are interested in that don't have on-line recruiting forms, send an e-mail with info about yourself such as you would in the mail and follow up with a phone call.

You might want to concentrate your efforts on D-2 and JUCO programs if there is not much activity going on right now. Make sure the Coaches know where they can see you this Fall and get them a schedule as soon as possible. If your team is going to be in a tournament near or at a particular school your interested in, let the Coaches know you're going to be there and that you are interested in their program.

It is definately NOT too late, but you do need to get busy.

Good luck!
Thanks for all your posts so far.

It's pretty apparent that I should make follow-up calls after I send E-mails or Letters.

However, what do I say in these follow-up calls? Just ask them about their program?

Any help on that would be great...

TRHit, I played this summer on a top 16U team in my state, we played in the Midwest Super League (best Michigan 16U teams), a couple state tournaments, and a World Series in Florida.

Also, I wouldn't consider myself a D1 prospect, more like D2 or lower.

Thanks a lot.
When is the ideal time to start sending these letters/e-mails out?

I sent letters out last November...

Son went on a visit to a school last fall. The recruiting coordinator pulled out his file. In the file was every letter written to the coach including questionaires, follow-ups with newspaper clippings and his initial contact letter written by my son......the previous fall, 9 months before the coaches first phone call.

Those letters impact coaches, send them early and often.
Last edited by Dad04

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