My son has played ball all the way through the county league. He played J.V his freshman & Soph. years. Last summer he won a spot on a team that played at the CABA tournament. After the tournament my son was asked to play on one of the coaches summer team. Our family spent all summer driving 4 hours round trip to go the games. Let me tell you the drive was well worth it. The level of coaching, even in the small amount of time, really elevated my sons game. My wife and I told my son to down play his playing ball on this other team. We were not sure how his local coach would feel about it. Well, this season my son has played about 20 total innings. he and one other player are really getting railed. It is so frustrating to see this happen. We as his parents tell him to just hang in there and keep a positve attitude. I have to say, we are very proud of how he has handled things. even other parents have commented on his level of maturity. My wife and I talked privately with the coach. The things he told us were eventually proven to be untrue. I also asked him point blank if he had a problem with my son playing on another team off season. He said not at all. We are not worried about our son getting looked at. He has gotten alot, and will continue to get great exposure, and has the oppotunity to get a ride. Its up to his grades and level of play. Its just so frustrating so see him not contribute to his hometown team. What else can we do??? Please, any and all advise will be greatly appreciated
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