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My sour grapes would be if I had spent money and no one came calling. Eek

Let me understand this, you seem to be upset because your son is highly recruited yet not invited to an event? You should be happy, you are right, you really don't need the hoopla if son is getting all of this interest.

I am wondering though, are they phone calls or just letters and has he gotten an offer yet?

It sounds like your son is a spectacular player. Most of the posters here probably have sons who don't have those types of skills and visibility. I know mine, coming our of high school, turned out not to have those types of skills that were obvious without showcasing. From my perspective, I would be extremely happy that your son has those types of talents and is so much in demand. For the rest of us, maybe the $495 is an awfully good investment if it gets them noticed.
Last edited by infielddad
Of the thousands of players in high school there are thousands of different ways to prepare for his baseball future. There are a lot of events and venues we as parents can use to make sure our sons have a chance to go to the next level. We can pay thousands for a select team and the associated travel, meals and hotels. We can attend camps at colleges. We can spend thousands on private instructions and equipment. We can spend thousands on showcases. We can even do ALL of the above ....or.... I don’t like to say this because it might give someone a false sense of security.... But.... in some cases the player and the parents don’t have to do anything for a player to get to the next level. The right person sees your son at the right time and “bingo” he’s on the radar. So, does every person NEED the things you listed?BaseballAmerica, Perfect Game, TEAMONE, ProspectsPlus?
Of course not! My son NEVER attended any of the events (ZERO) you have listed and I only started subscribing to BA after he was drafted out of high school. I think he was invited to some of the regional events but it wasn’t like someone called him up on the phone and asked him personally to attend. I think he got some invites in the mail.
Now hypothetically, take a kid getting interest from 25 major D1 schools, let alone the MLB, not getting an invite to a National event because he never attended and paid for ($495) a regional event in the past. Instead, they promote the best 2008 kids instead!! Who PAID!!

Your claim that they only “promote” those that paid is totally false. I know this for a fact because my son was 4/4 on the T1 scale. Was listed in prospects plus and had write ups and critiques in Baseball America and on Perfect Game’s website while he was in high school. All the publications and top showcase promoters were so accurate in their predictions about my son it was almost scary.
You DO have Sour Grapes but why? Was it because your son wasn’t invited to a national event? Rest easy. If a player DIDN’T attend a regional event why should he expect an invite to a national event? If I were a showcase promoter I would only draw from those that attended the regionals. Common sense has to come into play at some point.
Every parent hopes and prays this whole process of showcasing, ratings and write-ups will provide something that your son already has. You’re the fortunate one. Count your blessings! Your son is setting on the brink of great things and you didn’t have to spend that $495.00 to attend a regional. You lucky dog! Wink

if you want to know how things work, just ask Smile

the jupiter wwba event is a team thing

if your summer team wanted to go and was not invited it's likely because it was filled by better teams ahead of them

pg also puts together a few teams so other guys can play. logicly some players on those teams previously participated in other events and are known to them.

you imply they should also get college recruiting lists
I don't think that would go over well with colleges

a few yrs ago my nephew wanted to go but never paricipated in any other event, hence was not on any lists or rankings that we knew of. he just called pg and requested an invite. they DID know of him, also checked with some guys who'd seen him play recently, then put him on a team

they picked him up at the airport, arranged sharred accomodations and game transportation
they were very organized and the event ran smoothly

heck the kid could have spent twice+ their player fee in 4 days at Disney

make some merlot from those grapes before they go bad on ya

Last edited by Chairman


With all due respects....Would echo the preceeding coments of my esteemed fellow posters...Count your lucky stars sir.

You and your son are among the chosen.

For the rest of us, whose sons may not have star quality yours does, we know this is now how the game is now played for us. We will research those organizations and do our best to spend wisely, and we will spend the $ and work with those chosen organizations in an attempt to put our son's on someones radar. And in the end the $ will be well spent, and we will win even if our son's don't achieve such exaulted results as yours, even if they do not get a single serious offer or a call from a coach.

For in the end many of us know it is not about national rankings, or collecting letters, or phone calls, or invitations, or recognition, or scholarship $...

In the end it is all about three things...

First...Life skills. The whole recruting process is a rehersal for the adult life that comes after. I can think of no better way to learn/teach my son the skills needed in life...

Chasing a dream,
work ethic,
team work,
mental toughness,
dealing with disappointment,
comeback skills,
self esteem in the face of adversity,
maybe even compromise,

...than to follow this road together.

Second....Yes we spent money. but in this process my son and I have become acquainted with a handful of people who have have restored some of my confidence in humanity. People who have gone far, far beyond the money to help and advise. People whose friendship and character I will forever value, and my son has had a chance to learn from.

And finally...The time spent with my son's attending these expensive "hoop jumpin dog'n'pony'show" showcases was worth every penny. I know that win or lose, we will look back and treasure this time shared together.

With my '05 off to school now I can tell you I'd spend that money again in an instant to have him back next to me traveling, laughing, evaluating his performance and those of other players, speculating on scouts and recruiters....Andi'm cherishing every minute now doing the same with my '06...

Makes me want to waste more money just thinking about it.... Cool

Last edited by observer44
Gees, dad. Can't spend a few bucks for your son?

Agree with everyone here.

You sound as though you don't have the money to send him to a showcase or two.

Look at it this way...He's getting interest from 25 D 1 schools. So what? There are kids that get interest from hundreds of schools.

Maybe if you spent a few bucks and dragged yourself away from the 24-pack; and cigarettes; and all of the money you spend on hunting and fishing gear; and NASCAR jackets; you could spend a few bucks for showcasing your son and he would get drafted in the top 5 rounds and he would be making more money than you made working hourly for 25 years! Maybe he'd have interest from 100 schools.

Gees...HE IS YOUR SON!!!!!!!!

Do what you can for your son because he is your son.

What is that old saying: Anyone can father a child but it takes a man to be a father!
OldSlugger - What is your deal? My college freshman never attended any high profile showcases, simply because it was not in our budget (and momma wasn't smokin', drinkin' or buying nascar jackets). I think they're great opportunities for those kids that can attend and they without a doubt provide more exposure for kids. However, not all kids do them. It didn't stop my son from offers and it doesn't prevent other kids from offers. Why would you be so bitter about opportunities that others are enjoying.

I'm sure there are many kids that would love to have had the options your son has had and is having. Don't worry about what your son might not have, but be grateful and enjoy every minute of what's happening for him. Those minutes of HS will be gone shortly and you'll regret it if you don't. Your son will too. Teach him to be happy for what he's got and make it a special time for your family. You'll be thankful in 20 years!

P.S. You do understand if MLB scouts have seen your son during games, that's just more "free" exposure and if he's played well, that's more college coaches that will hear about him. Again, lighten up and enjoy this time.
Last edited by lafmom
To a certain extent, I have to agree with Old Slugger. There are ALOT of Showcases that will drain your bank account with no results. To pay to tryout to make a showcase team that costs another fee, is rediculous. BUT, that is one place that this message board has been so helpful-it has first hand accounts of which showcases are worth the money. You have to be careful about which ones you participate in. Our most success came from playing on teams that participated in Perfect Game events. We have met great people and made friends for life without having to take out a second mortgage to finance exposure. Still had a little cash left to drink some of those grapes our fellow posters are referring to.
I agree with somethings that OS said, I don't agree with how he said it.

This is about choice, no one says you HAVE to do this or that. What works for one doesn't always work for the other.

By son's junior year he had heard from just about every top program in the US with really nice recruiting letters. However, without a showcase or two, and some competitive tournament play, I doubt whether any of those letters would have meant a thing. So what? I know plenty who got letters and struggeld in the end.

You do what you can, if you don't want to do anything, certainly do not put down anyone else who chooses to do something. Be happy with the way things are going, there are plenty of folks who would love to see those letters come for their son.
Hope your sour grapes attitude improves, cause these things have a tendency to backfire. Know a lot of parents who puch play the game with those 25 letters but get zero offers.

Best of luck. Your son must have talent, no sopur grapes about that!
Showcase or don't showcase? Some kids benefit greatly from the exposure of a showcase, some do not need to showcase.

Depending on your individual situation money well spent on one or two high profile showcases can mean everything to your son's future.

A very good friend of my son's left high school unrecruited even though he played along side #1 pick Matt Bush (he was actually the captain of the team, not Bush). He spent a year at San Diego City College. During the summer he participated (at the expense of about $ 500.00) in the Perfect Game / Marietta Georgia tournament. From that exposure alone he received offers from LSU, Wake Forest, and Clemson. He chose a big scholarship to Clemson.

My point? The old saying "if he can play they will find him" does not always apply, sometimes you have to help them find him. Showcases, travel teams, college camps, national tournaments, all of these are great venues for this situation, it's up to you to decide which one if any is the right choice for your son. They do work!
Last edited by matadordad
How fortunate you and your son are to be receiving such tremendous are truly very are in the minority....some way ,some how your son has been seen but in Ohio I would like to have you explain where and when that occured...Ohio is very much like Massachustts in its low visiblity to college and pro scouts so either he is on a phenominal HS team or his summer team is blowing others away with their incredible talent...I find it quite interesting though , in that as a sophmore in HS, my son was on a state championship team...we had 6 seniors that year...of those 6 4 are now in the pro ranks but based on the talent level of those boys we still were not innundated with scouts at games and futhermore all of them attended showcases (that is how we were introduced to that arena ) unless we all have a better understanding on just how your son is being recruited I think you are doing a great disservice to the majority of underclassmen and their families by underestimating the value of showcases...and based upon your previous posts you seem to have possessed a tremendous interest in showcase events...remember ...letters mean absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of recruiting unless they are followed by phone calls and offers of visits...thats when you know the interest is genuine
Just spend a couple bucks here and there - and go whereever you can go. The quality showcases are great events - for your kid - and with the right attitude - for you too IMO.

You will be invited to some events - and not to others.

So what? Life moves on.

Just make sure the kid catches the ball - hits the cr** out if it and runs like a wild dog.

That is usually all you need to do.

Good luck
Last edited by itsinthegame
Below is your post from last month.

"Hey Folks, I am new to the group. My 2007 son had a tremendous spring campaign with lots of accolades, honors, awards, and was added to a 18u excellent team this past summer.

His HS coach was a mid-major D1 and spent 4 years in the minors, and his summer coach has been working with kids for over 30 years, and has developed close relationships with college programs/coaches about everywhere East of the Mississippi, and then some.

My boy played on some grand stages this past summer in front of most of the Big Ten, MAC, ACC, and SEC, plus many others, and produced very very well. At age 16, a 6'2 190 pound left handed hitter with power I hear is desirable, especially when the wood bat is used.

Letters started coming in before the 9/01 date. In August, he and I selected some universities that have a combination of his academic needs, location/weather, and solid baseball, and sent a bio-sheet and DVD of some game play, a workout, and some other athletic footage.

The combination of these things have the letters coming in at a quickening pace daily, and I have to say my 2007 boy prior to all of this had been evaluated as a player with exceptional skills.

A few of the letters want him to unoffcially visit this Fall, get the 3 free football game tickets, and a tour. Most of the letters say "we have identified you as a major D1 baseball player".

Anybody have a similar start to the process ?


I do recall my answer was yes.
2007 grad, you got a long way to go but
sounds like things are going well. But as stated above your son is the exception, not everyone is as fortunate. When giving advice, try to keep that in mind. Be helpful in your suggestions, not demeaning to the businesses who offer their services to others.

What exactly are your SOUR GRAPES?

Sorry, just don't like whiney parents, even when things are going well. JMO
Last edited by TPM
Here's a novel thought....
Just going to an expensive showcase isn't a guarantee that you will get noticed. It just gets you on the list. Going to a well run showcase with scouts in attendance WILL get you noticed if you SHINE!
We live in the midwest with only 5 months of baseball each year (in the shadow of the Royals, no less!). Kansas HS baseball is so backwards that our high school season is limited to only 20 games! Talk about hard to get seen!
We were fortunate enough to get picked for one great showcase. Son did well, and the attention kicked in. All of this happened in August going into his senior year. He committed to a great SEC school this past week.
If finances are the issue, don't blow the bank by attending again and again. Pick an event close to your senior year, consider it an investment in your son's future, and GO FOR IT! It worked for us.
Reading OS-8's various posts, I infer that he is a dad who is very proud of his son and wants the members of this board to convince/reassure him that what he is experiencing is unique and uncommon, which would confirm that he is an outlier talent.

We are ALL proud of our sons, so I can empathize with his apparent need for confirmation. We all wonder during the HS years just how good our sons are, and wish that there was a definite way to actually know. For all I know, his kid IS a worldbeater. That would be great.

I imagine we all have the urge from time to time to use this board as a forum to brag about our kid's accomplishments. In my experience here, every time a mom or dad has reported a son's signing or an award he's won, it has been met by heartfelt congrats.

But IMO a running tally of recruiting letters and breathless exhortations about the fifth handwritten letter from so and so, and bragging about not having to do anything other than hit the ball to get noticed, is going to be regarded as increasingly worthy of ignoring.

I do think, however, that OS-8 will figure out that this board is valuable for what he can learn from it as he goes through what looks to be an exciting time. He's new here and he'll probably figure it out. I'd be dishonest if I said I never wanted to post a brag about something my kid did between the baselines from time to time (maybe if I look back at my posts I'll see that I succumbed to the urge once or twice!)

So, welcome to HSBBW, OS-8. You will find people here genuinely interested in helping you as you and your son navigate the recruiting process. There are LOTS of parents here whose sons are incredibly accomplished players at all levels of organized ball. Their collective experience is a resource that I hope to benefit from if I am lucky enough to need it as my son climbs the ladder.

I hope you will be a part of the spirit of what this community is about. If you do, I'm positive you will find everyone here welcome you with open arms and cheer you and your son on.

But please understand that having a son who is a talented baseball player hardly makes you unique on this board!
Rob-Bingo! Wink I think it's human nature to want validation from our peers but crossing the line(hard to determine sometimes) does tend to take the edge off the enthusiasm we have for some of the young guys.

I do think OldSlugger does make some valid points about showcasing, though. A lot of $ can be spent trying to do the right thing for our kids and not everyone has a bottomless bank account. I have seen certain boys get more playing time than others because the "scouts" let the coach know who they are there to see. Is this fair? shouldn't everyone be treated equally-especially if one is paying $500 and the other
is there on a freebie?

I don't have any ax to grind, have one son who went to PG event with a fall team, but already had a scholarship but feel certain it would have helped him if he hadn't.

Another son who tried out for the same fall team the next year but was cut. Went to a winter college camp and was offered a scholarship. Some coaches see things that others do not and maybe son showed better at the college camp.

Spend your money wisely.
Just a follow up. I was the first to post after SU8 stated his sour grapes, which I didn't understand. I really didn't take exception to his "bragging" about his son. Sounds like his son is in a great situation, and has done what has needed to do to make sure his son got some attention.
All good posts to follow.
However, since he hasn't posted regarding his sour grapes, which until we hear otherwise I still can't figure out, my understanding is that his son didn't get an invite to a PG showcse (I am assuming that it was PG as the amount listed). So it was not intentionally to brag about his son, but advice that many of us don't need to spend money on what he feels is useless showcasing, which obviously is something that is not necesaary for his son at this time.

You stated:
"I sincerely thank the parents here, but sometimes a kid doesn't need the **** and hoop jumpin dog'n'pony'show that these showcases seem to guarantee...............If your kid can hit, he will play........"

To state again, OS8, it's about choice after one comes to a site like this to gather info regarding all the hard work (or no hard work) it takes to get your son noticed to either obtain a scholarship or get drafted.

"Save your money unless you are deperate!! Take your kid to a tournament in an area he wants to play at in college. It does more good than being one of 1200 kids".

No need to really spend gobs of money unless you WANT to. The advice I would give is, spend some money, but spend wisely.

I understand that you are first going through the process, your son has a full year before he is signed. I would really hope that after your son does sign that you can come back with a more positive outlook to help those parents whose sons may not be as talented as your son.
Posted by OLDSLUGGER Sept 28th
Topic - Who’s Job Is It?....
If a kid wants to advance and get noticed, it is the parents job to pay for the stage, and the kids job to perform well on it.

Keep in mind that premier team national tournaments, camps, and showcases with all the scouts and college coaches there,not only find the talent, they eliminate most of the players at these events that either aren't the caliber or fit the program.

Posted by OLDSLUGGER Oct 5th
Topic – Battle of the States III…..

MY 07 got nominated for this. I called a major head coach and asked if he was attending. he said he would be at WWBPG in Jupiter.

Nuff said I guess.

Still trying to get Arp to get my 07 on a regional team. I hear it is the place to be!!

Posted by OLDSLUGGER Oct 18th
Topic - How To Get Into Perfect Game?....

I also hear all-star PG teams are being made up for regions to round out the WWB field in Jupiter.

click the PG Team icon next to the event

Postede by OLDSLUGGER Oct 21
Topic - Sour Grapes….

Now hypothetically, take a kid getting interest from 25 major D1 schools, let alone the MLB, not getting an invite to a National event because he never attended and paid for ($495) a regional event in the past. Instead, they promote the best 2008 kids instead!! Who PAID!!

Don't get duped into all this hoopla and spent $$$ to get exposure. If your kid can hit, and you exert a little effort with who and where he plays, you will get the same or better results.

I sincerely thank the parents here, but sometimes a kid doesn't need the **** and hoop jumpin dog'n'pony'show that these showcases seem to guarantee...............If your kid can hit, he will play........

Just ask the 25 major D1's calling on my kid........somebody has to say this, and I will be the scarlet letter, with pride!! Sorry I don't need this junk anymore. Maybe we are the exception over the rule in this case.

Save your money unless you are deperate!! Take your kid to a tournament in an area he wants to play at in college. It does more good than being one of 1200 kids.


In less than one month you seem to have gone full circle. Please allow me to help you with your argument.

We are constantly (every day of the year) trying to find the best players in the country. It makes absolutely no difference if these players ever paid a dime!

We like to think of it as though the player promotes himself by exhibiting outstanding ability. We are unable to promote a bad player into a DI scholarship. We have promoted some kids (through our rankings) who have never attended a PG event.

As luck would have it, some of these kids who did not attend PG events and we ranked very highly have parents who post here. It helps people understand the truth. These people have never spent a dime on PG and PG still ranked them “honestly”, if not accurately.

By the way, just because a player did not attend a PG event doesn't mean he was not invited. We think we have a good feel for who is among the best and we always invite them. Can't remember for sure, but I think those from this site who chose not to attend would have still received an invitation. Of course, we are going to invite all of the highest ranked players! It's true that we miss a few in those rankings, but the record will show, it's just a few!

Through this great website, I’ve learned so much more about these parents and their sons. I am a huge supporter of these same kids who never attended a PG event. I’d love to see them playing in the Big Leagues someday!

It seems that “sour grapes” is an appropriate title based on your previous posts. I have a feeling that your son is very talented. I’m guessing he did not get on a team in Jupiter. We try to get as many 06s on these teams as possible, they come first. Maybe this affected any decisions on your 07 son.

I’m hoping you will use everything possible to help your son. Perhaps he doesn’t need our help, but he does need your help.

Hope you take this the right way. I would really like to know more about him because that is our job! Please take the time to email me with info on him. It may not help, but it sure won’t hurt! We have scouts scattered throughout the country, including Ohio and we will see him play if we haven’t already.

If a player is good enough… do they need to go to a PG event? Of course not! But thousands of the very best players do every year!

Over 2,100 draft picks and 102 first round picks have been to PG events in just the past 4 years! 155 of the players on the 8 teams in last year’s College World Series had been to PG events!

Did they HAVE to go to a PG event… Who knows?... But they DID and things worked out well!

Each year when we hold our big events we invite the best players we know of. Most importantly we invite the very best players who have never attended a PG event. We always have several first time players at our National Showcase in June who have never paid before! We have thousands who have paid that are not invited.

You can’t buy your way into a scholarship or early draft pick. But if you’re good enough and get on the right stage… Presto!!!!

It’s never us or anyone else who holds the events who deserve the credit… It’s always the player! We have just been lucky that most of the best players come to our stuff! NOT ALL!

OLDSLUGGER, please email me at
It might change the “sour grapes” you feel.
I sincerely wish the best for your son, with or without our help.
Last edited by PGStaff
applaude Well put PGStaff,

I'd comment more on this post, but I'm still trying to figure out what your problem is.

If I've interperted what your trying to say wrong I apologize for my comments to follow

As a player if I had that much attention as a Junior in HS I'd love the fact that I didn't have to go to a paid event to get noticed by such a large number of schools.

But I didn't get noticed, I didn't HAVE to give PG a good chunk of change, but if I didn't then I wouldn't of been satisfied with just attending a school for just a degree.

I HAD to (my choice to do this or not) go to a PG Event to get noticed and get a scholarship, actually 2 of them in order to get where I'm at today, if I didn't then most certainly I would not have a college scholarship.

You and your son live in the States. Try living in a different country and getting noticed and getting a scholarship, or getting attention from MLB teams, then maybe, just maybe I'll be some what sympathetic to your cries.

Be thankful that you don't have to pay large amounts of money to get your son noticed.
Last edited by Wales
OS, As a scout and the dad of two boys who went to college on baseball scholarships, I feel that I can look at it from two sides. I can tell you this much......on the East Coast, our organization covers the top PG events like a blanket. On the West coast, we cover the Area Code Games with 7 scouts. There is a good reason for this......most of the better players in the country are at the two events. When there are about 200 pro scouts and even more college coaches at a 4-6 day event,it is wise to have your son at one of the events. as a parent, both of my sons went to the Area Code Games, and if they had not showed well, I would have sent them cross country to be seen at the best PG event I could have gotten them in to.

The youngest son played on the best travel team in the west, but on an average, there would be very few scouts and almost no college coaches at the games. I don't make much money, but when I saw how much my boys wanted to go to a good college and play baseball, I thought like a dad, not a scout.

Taking your kid to a tournament might enable him to be seen by some pro scouts, if they are not off doing pro coverage for two months, which is the norm. College coaches have a more limited budget and will gather at the best showcases,but not at every tournament, because they will get more bang for their buck at the showcase.
I think many things in life and in baseball are a gamble. There is always a chance that you play little competitive baseball and practice in the backyard that you will get noticed and great things will happen. BUT the chances are slim. MOving from there, if you play high school ball and nothing do not promote yourself your chances go up but may still not be too good. Chances of moving up in the baseball world increase with exposure and performance. Some people like to bet on long-shots and thats OK...some like to increase their chances o success. I do not begrudge anyone their success, if they take a 100 t 1 shot and it pays off that is great for them. It is not right or just worked out well for them. Their success or failure is not about ME only about them. I will make every effort I can to increase my odds of success. If it means spending some be it. It is all about getting a better CHANCE to succeed....knowing there are no guarentees of success. So please, make your personal choice on how much you want to spend based upon your our budget and risk taking profile, and leave others free to do the same without critisism.

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