Originally posted by austin9:
Here is my swing from the left side. The last couple of years I've been hitting left handed a lot more. Please tell me what you think is good about my swing and what I need to do right. Sorry I can't just put the video on here but I've tried and I just can't so you have to go to on the link below.
Took another look and I stand by my original statement and then some (assuming you weren't totally fooled by the pitch). Some other things I noticed...
1. Your weight is too far forward IMO. It needs to be born by your from foot, but much farther back toward the catcher.
2. You finish with your front knee bent rather than stiff. This is related to point Number 1 above.
3. I can tell that you swing is top-down because of what your back foot does. If you started your swing with your lower body, you'd end up more like this...
Notice how Pujols is on his toe at the point of contact. That's because he's driving his swing with his hips and torso and not his shoulders (aka bottom-up versus top-down).
You also might want to google Rotational Hitting.