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Hello everyone, I am a freshman in high school, Ive been on these forums before under a different username (KingOf3b) if anyone remmbers me but that name is gone now because I havent been here in a while so I made this name.

Anyways on Monday my tryouts start and at my school they have each grade tryout at different times, starting with seniors and going down to the freshman, but since me and my friend have drivers ed on Monday we have to tryout with the seniors. Just me, my friend and a bunch of seniors oh boy any predcitions on if I die or not?
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Don't know how you are compared to the other freshman, so it is hard to say. When you get there, look like a ballplayer, show respect for the Seniors and Coaches, out hustle everybody there. Make sure if there is raking or other chores to be done, that you work the hardest.

If you do those things the rest will take care of itself.

Good luck!

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