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There is a thread going where posters jumped on PG for posting numbers regarding the draft, well now you can get on me for being proud

UNC won tonight and I had the pleasure of watching Andrew Carignan on the mound--he got roughed up a bit, the lead off error did not help him.

While sitting and watching it with my wife we recalled the tournament that our team won with Carignan behind the plate, he was and is a great catcher, and the current LeMoyne Ace, Bobby Blevins on the mound in the title game. Making it even sweeter in memeory is the fact that I had the Blevins as a young boy with me in LL

You can say what you want but when you have baseball relationships with these types of young man it gives us the right to brag a bit about it---there is untold pleasure in watching them succeed and those who do not appreciate that fact have a major problem with themselves---

HEY--isnt this the site where you can puff out your chest and brag about your kids--I am sure PG feels as I do--we have an extended family in the baseball world beyond our own sons--you know what ? --

We are two very lucky men !!!!
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any body that has ever coached, know's how hard it is with 12 kids.
when you guys run a showcase with 100 + kids.finding the stadiums,running them all through the stations,keeping all the numbers.then playing games.not to mention picking a travel team going all over playing,calling coaches about kids,etc.when kids get into schools or drafted,or play in the college world guys have every right to tell us about it.and to me the reason we as parents are on this sight is to learn about these things.and as far as people thinking it's about money, they have seen a kid they have coached succeed.keep doing what your doing.i for one think it's great.
TR - I don't consider it bragging at all. I was talking with a friend this morning who shared some connections with some kids in the super regionals. I believe when you know some of these kids, you've watched these kids, you've met their parents, you've coached them, you know some challenges they've faced....... you're going to root for them and you're going to be proud for them.

There's nothing wrong in sharing someone's joy. Anyone who's truly a part of the baseball family understands that.
As a developer of athletic talent I look at it a little differently...and the same...all at once.

Pure talent is only one part of a very complex equation. The athletic acheivers that you see before you are a visual representation of a series of successes that have led to this one point in time...the variety and importance of influences on an athlete are both broad and truly takes a village...Talent, work ethic, parents, administrators, coaches, teachers, community, showcasers, trainers, doctors, media, and God for that matter...

Take away a factor or two and it is possible that player would not be where he is.

While I personally don't like the term brag, I do feel that PG and TR, as well as many, many others should take great pride in the parts - both large and small - they played in the development and success of these young men.

Not only should we celebrate the achievement of the young men involved but the ability and sacrifice and influence of a variety of other factors that go into that success.

Kudo's, respect, and congratulations to you PG, TR and every other positive influence that helped create, shape, build, and celebrate these high achievers.

Take a bow guys.

Last edited by observer44
While I personally don't like the term brag

And me too. We just state the numbers. 952 is an unprecedented number of draft picks. I'm astounded. There is absolutely nothing to brag about other than the players.

Regarding a players ability, makeup, etc. We didn't do anything. They just came to the events, it's that simple! Many others are responsible for talent, makeup, desire, etc. It sure ain't us!

So there is nothing to brag about at all! But we do take a lot of pride in what we do. It's all about the players!


Yes, while you may not have worked the talent, makeup, desire...

As a parent, spending the money, I want to be able send my son to your event with the confidence that your event will be professional, well organized, fair, educational, expertly evalauted, attract scouts and recruiters, and be user friendly for players/parents, If you provide this, and I walk away feeling that money was well spent and that the event cares about the players as much as it does the profits (this is not true of all the events we have attended,) then you have played an important role in my eyes.


Good term.

Cool 44

Allan Simpson and David Rawnsley actually kind of play that part for us on and they're good at it!

Myself and others just watch players and try to stay away from microphones and cameras as much as possible.

TR would be great on television. He's kind of a Dick Vitale type... only with two eyes! Smile

I mean that as a compliment in case there are those who don't like D.V.

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