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Freshman in College. Position player. Just want some feedback about what I should change and what I should add/subtract from my workout. Thanks

Mon, Wed, Fri

1. Bench Press 2x10
2. Dumbell Bench 2x10
3. Seated Row or bent over row 3x10
4. Dumbell Shoulder Press 2x10
5. Triceps Pushdown 3x10
6. Lat Pulldown 3x10
7. Barbell Curl 2x10
8. Pull Up 2xFail
9. Chin Up 2xFail

Tues, Thurs, Sat

1. Squat 3x10
2. Weighted Lunges 3x10
3. Quads 3x10
4. Hamstrings 3x10
5. Calves Raise 3x10

I do the Quads and Hamstrings on the machines. I need some better lower body workouts.

I try to do core workouts at least 3 times a week.
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Hi Dbunt,

You're off to a good start, but I think you may be relying too much on machines, which are basically good for developing general strength, but not for developing baseball strength that directly translates into the development of more speed or power.

I suggest adding medicine ball work (twists, underhand/overhand throws, squat to press throws, etc.), agility work (ladder drills, change of direction, etc., sprint work (7, 15, 24 second sprints, on different days) and more Olympic-type lifts (but modified).

I'm sure Jon and others will have additional suggestions.

What are your overall strength goals?
We get some great upper body workouts in on the Nautilus Freedom Trainer. It's so versatile. We don't want to add bulk up top, so we do a lot of high-rep lower weight pulls from a variety of positions. It's especially good for core rotations/obliques. Fortunately I can take my kids to the Army gym and the folks who stock the gym for our soldiers do it right.
Try the Combat Pitcher Program (not just for pitchers):

Or try Performance Protocol:

And TuffCuff, advertised on the HSBBW is great, as well. Combine all programs to maximize effective, efficient, explosive POWER. Baseball, in spite of ignorant views to the contrary, is all about explosiveness. You BURST to crush the ball, you BURST to get to a ball, you BURST to throw the ball. Develop explosiveness to maximize the burst.
I try to do each muscle group once a week, but legs twice. I no longer do the the first workout I posted. I realized I was not geting enough recovery. Here is what I'm currently doing.

Monday – Chest and Triceps

1. Dumbbell Bench Press
2. Standing Cable Fly
3. Bench Push Up
4. Dips
5. Triceps Pushdown
6. Skull Crushers

Tuesday – Legs

1. Squats
2. Lunge
3. Leg Extensions
4. Hamstring Curls
5. Calf Raises
6. Dead Lift

Wednesday – Cardio/Core

Thursday – Back and Biceps

1. Lateral Pull down
2. Seated Row
3. Bent-over Row
4. Pull Up
5. Standing Barbell Curl
6. One Arm Dumbbell Curl
7. Chin Up

Friday – Legs

1. Leg Press
2. Single Leg Lunge
3. Leg Extensions
4. Hamstring Curls
5. Calf Raises
6. Dead Lift

Saturday – Shoulders

1. Lateral Raises
2. Front Raise
3. Cuban Press
4. Shoulder Press

Sunday – off
Looks like you are working veryhard. For that you should be commended.

However, I worry you are folllowing too much of a bodybuilding routine.

I would get rid of the machines, train 3-4 times a week and focus around the mjaor lifts...squats, deadlifts, cleans, snathces, presses and pulls.

I have written in depth about this if you do a search on it.

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