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I know there have been previous discussions on this board concerning myspace, but thought something I was told recently would be of interest to some of you. I was told by a major league scout that at his team's draft meetings, two players were removed from their draft board (potential picks) because of items that had been seen on the player's MySpace web page (could have been on Facebook, same thing basically). Not saying these two weren't picked by other teams, I don't know their names. But if one team is finding things out about players on these sites, you can be sure other teams are too. Be careful. Just my opinion, but I would say there are safer ways of communicating with your friends.
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Without knowing the specifics on what was on their MySpace it is hard to judge. I'm a MySpace hater, not because of the what is on it but rather the potential of the "bad guys" who can access it. As far as the players are concerned, teams may have used it as a tool to assess the morality of their character, that is their call. If you're going to put it out there, be prepared to defend it.
Last edited by rz1
I have both a MySpace and Facebook account. I know the dangers of the web, etc., but I am specifically careful of what I post on the sites. Some of my friends, however, find pleasure in posting pictures and videos of themselves literally falling over drunk and skinny dipping with friends. These people aren't top notch athletic follows, but still I think the principle of that is wrong. I have these accounts simply because it's something all my friends have and it's fun to get to know people better by looking at their pages. It's easier to read it than ask them lol. But personally I know that whatever I put on the site can be seen by anyone and everyone, so I need to be smart.
We had a scout notify us of one of our players myspace...He was a top ten pick this year. posiibly could have went higher...Be on the look out for not only your site but your friends sites. They not only look at you but who your friends are!!!!!!!!!! Its a business, and if they plan on investing large amounts of money on you...talent is not the only thing they look at. When it comes down to 2 players of the same talent, they need what ever they can get to decide on one.

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