I see lots of lopsided game scores. Are the teams winning 20-0 that good, or are the losing teams that bad? I could understand there being some lopsided scores, but there just seems to be so many. I notice it in other weeks too, not just this week. Also, I wonder are the teams that play this week supposed to be the best of best? If not why is it called the National American Tournament of Champions (NATC). I only wonder because I know some of the teams playing this week are just rec/all star type teams. How does a team get to play that week? It seems most (not all)of the best teams are from the south or the west. And some of those kids look older than my 14yr old! I always wonder about some of those kids actually being 12yrs old. Anyway mine went last year, not the NATC week, but I have followed some teams that went this year. It's interesting to see what goes on, who wins, scores etc. And looking at those kids that win the skills competitions. We had a good time last year even though the team didn't do too well, I was glad my son went, and that we got to be part of the whole experience.