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Thanks cheapseats... we just arrived home from Sam Houston State with a W!!! TCA defeated Beaumont Kelly 6-4 to advance to the TAPPS 6A Semifinals.

A great win and may I say (especially for LeftyDad if you're out there) ... Sam Houston State has built themselves a great facility. Beautiful setting, great field, first class setup with indoor cages etc. and they are still building a new fitness facility right next to the field. Chris Rupp has it going on down there!

First off WELCOME to the Boards!

A PM is a private message. This site has an area where you can send any poster a private message. Just log in, find the person you want to send a message to click on their monikar/site name and it will say Invite (person's monikar/site name) to a Private Topic, click that and you can send them a message and it will be sent to them via whatever email address they set up through HSBBweb.

You don't have to post that you sent a PM but it sometimes helps because some of us view this website from various locations and are not always checking the emails as much as we check the site.

Hope this helps and I will send you one to show you how it works.
Last edited by oldbat-never

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