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Bmx---I was going to respond until I saw you were from Concord, I assume you are a fan of the Boston franchise and every knows where I stand on them...just kidding.

The most important thing to remember about attending Navy or any other service academy is that you are there to become an officer and a leader. While sports are an added benefit, they are not the primary reason why you are there. The Navy coaches are very professional and have built a respectable program.

My sons are at Navy Prep this year and they are carrying the equivalent of 24 credit hrs...all math and science classes.

GO NAVY!!!BEAT army!!!!!
Can't tell you anything about the pitching coach.

However, I can tell you about academic support at a service academy. Basically, unless your son is bent on flunking out, it is very hard to fail. The motto at service academies is, cooperate and graduate. They all pitch in and help each other. If your son puts in the effort, he will graduate.

That being said, my son, freshman year, in season, took 21 hours of mandatory courses. He never had a semester in season of less than 18 hours and he did have one of 23 hours. It is brutal, but what comes out the other side is something to behold.

Best of luck to your son,

Chip Porter
I will echo Chip's comments. West Point may have a slightly different teaching method, but I would imagine academics is foremost at all the academies.
Son recently graduated...8 semesters, 151 credit hours..."carrying the naught" Wink, that's AVERAGE of 19 per semester (even including this last semester of 15.5)
It's a grind, but leads to multiple positive opportunities at the finish line. Smile

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