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From this weeks board meeting...

In other legislative action, the board took no further action on a proposal regarding financial aid for baseball student-athletes that had received enough requests for an override vote at the Convention. The Board’s lack of action means the Division I delegates at the 2008 NCAA Convention will vote on the issue.

The proposal, which was revised from an original proposal adopted from the Baseball Academic Enhancement Working Group, now requires individual financial aid packages for baseball student-athletes to include at least 25 percent of a full scholarship, with all countable aid ? not just athletics aid ? to be included in the calculation toward the minimum.

The Board retained the financial aid model of 11.7 equivalencies and limited counters to 30 in 2008-09 and 27 in 2009-10 and thereafter and caps the regular-season squad size at 35.

In order to overturn the proposal, 5/8 of the Division I members present and voting at the Convention must vote to defeat it.

The Board intends to contact every Division I president and chancellor to discourage the override vote at the Convention.

For a complete summary of the Division I Board of Directors meeting, see the November 19 edition of The NCAA News.

My question is, why would the NCAA board be lobbying to discourage an override? Who is their consituency? Why wouldn't they just do their best to inform their members and then let the chips fall where they may, rather than make it adversarial?
[COLOR:BLUE][i]Pray not for lighter burdens, but for stronger backs.[/i][/COLOR]
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JMO, but if there is a vote against this, it will revert back to the original proposal passed (25% to include all bb money). The board made changes (due to an override) for the 25% to include financial as well as academic.

Could you imagine with a turnover, what a headaxche that would cause.
My inner cynic says...

That is typically the way a bureaucracy is more about the politics and WHO is right than it is about GETTING it right...

Sadly...No matter where you come down on this...We are beyond the issues and into the politics...we can forget about communication, or
tweaking it to help all parties...

...It's now about who wins.

I think that parents need to understand that most college coaches are in favor of the changes, their biggest gripe was told how to spend their money.

They also realized that in order to increase graduation rates, someone had to curb the transfer rate.

Biggest complaints from many coaches was stockpiling from many schools in certain conferences. Coaches will tell you , that you can very easily run a team with a max 35 man roster, and if one recruits the way they should (finding talent through recruiting not through walking on) it's not too difficult to achieve (this doesn't include invited walk ons due to new rules). If you want to find those needles in the haystack, you have to take the time to look carefully, not sitting out the summer to wait to see who shows up. Also 25% minimum can make a big difference in whether a player comes to school or decides to go pro for 10% only. Coaches pretty much know who is going to walk onto the campus and who is not and are prepared, the player he expected to show up that doesn't creates the problem.
Actually, I heard some coaches really like it, now recruiting is done with genuine interest and lets recruits know where they stand. Giving min 25% makes it more of an even playing field, instead of promises of just books and maybe some more $$ later on, if you do well. I think after some thought about it, it didn't seem all that bad.

I was wondering if PG saw a rise in college coaches attend last week due to these changes?
You can't keep pushing back to change legislation, coaches can't recruit that way. They want to move on, making constant changes upsets their apple carts.

I know that everyday the rules change where I work, I don't agree or disagree with them, just give me a formula that works and stop changing your mind every day makes my job much easier.
The new rules in no way affect over recruiting. That part is business as usual.
The guy who would have got book money will probably get no money now as the coach will be more selective who he gives money to.
The pitchers will still get the lions share and there will be a lower % of players getting any BB countable money. There are maximnms # of scholarships but no minimums.
You will see more walkons invited of otherwise and most will get no BB money and will have to rely on academic and other moneys like loans.
Yes the coaches don't like the fact that they are told they have to give 25% to a guy that they entice with a scholarship package and jugle the money more wisely from their point of view.
Frankly 25% wouldn't entice us and I am thinking, a lot of out of state guys to go to a school. The coach will have a gray area of guys he wants but can't give a pakage to. I am talking to people who are already experiencing this. They have to entice them with words now. Hey kid you are great but I have no money for you this year so walk on and we will try to find some money next year.
Who is their constituency?

I have come to believe it is themselves as ob44 suggests.

How come no one ever complains about stockpiling in football? 85 scholarships plus numerous walkons for 11 offensive positions, 11 defensive positions, and 11 special teams positions. Sure injury is a factor but injuries happen in baseball as well.

Ohio State's quarterback this year grey shirted, then red shirted, then waited his freshman year, sophmore year and now his junior eligible year to finally get his shot as a 23 year old starter for the first time. Who is to say that some kid who may be talented, might not be better off pursuing his dreams at a school where his opportunity may be years away and for which he needs several years to develop?
Originally posted by Spencer:
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
Who is their constituency?

How come no one ever complains about stockpiling in football?

Because football makes money.

ACTUALLY, Football makes LESS money for the NCAA than baseball. Baseball is second only to basketball.

It's not about the NCAA making money , it's about schools making money.

Recently son went up to UF to visit his former coach, he was blown away by what he saw from 4 years ago. Basketball and baseball championships do enhance facilities, which in turn meand better recruiting for all athletes. Baseball doesn't do that and if it does make the NCAA money, they don't share much.

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