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My son's school told me they were sending his transcript the first week of June. When I look at his NCAA Eligibility it says that transcripts are missing. Should I assume that the school hasn't sent it yet or does it take a while for them to update the site? If the school hasn't sent them yet how do I "encourage" the school to sent them quickly. I've called twice already.
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Paz - I assume you're referring to your son's HS? Double check with the school and make sure they're sent. Don't be alarmed though because it's typically near the end of summer before the clearinghouse gets everything in. If the coach where your son signs (or any other coach for that matter) calls to inquire and asks for things to speed up, the clearinghouse will usually respect that request. Otherwise, you'll just have to be patient. Frown

Seems like there was a category on the clearinghouse that indicated that the transcript was there.... just that the process hadn't been completed and him cleared?
Are you talking about FINAL transcript or just his transcript for eligibility?

Clearinghouse is very busy now with final transcripts for 07's for their final clearance. Chances are they may have received it, but 07's are the priority.

If you are worried about it for summer recruiting, a coach will ask for an unofficial transcript (you can go to the school and request one). They can pretty much figure out if the recruit is eligible for their program just by looking at it.

If it is a final transcript, admissions didn't receive sons until two weeks before school started.
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
If it is a final transcript, admissions didn't receive sons until two weeks before school started.

Every year a few stories pop up about Final Clearinghouse clearance is not rec'd at school prior to school starting. I believe player can not participate in any workouts until clearance is given. Last year my Sons was finalized last week of July.
Of particular interest to me is when the clearinghouse will add in the additional course requirements that tally up quality points on the D1 worksheet. For my son, he pretty much completed all the requirements at the end of his junior year..there was just one additional course in the core subjects needed.I just got off the phone with Melinda (very nice, calm person) at the Clearinghouse. Saw on my son's eligibility that "Proof Grad Recd"..wonder if that meant the transcripts were there or what. According to Melinda (poor thing, I called her twice this morning), they take the best grades for any of these additional courses..which takes time to figure because they have to check that the courses meet the requirements. She seemed confident that, at least in my son's case, things should be finished up pretty soon. So just keep checking back, I suppose. This probably isn't news to anybody but I was quietly freaking out as I was doing the math to figure out quality points, core GPA and ultimate eligibility and kept coming up several points less than I figured. I am no longer freaking case anybody was worried about me!!
Last edited by Newcomer
Originally posted by Novice Dad:
Originally posted by Tiger Paw Mom:
If it is a final transcript, admissions didn't receive sons until two weeks before school started.

Every year a few stories pop up about Final Clearinghouse clearance is not rec'd at school prior to school starting. I believe player can not participate in any workouts until clearance is given. Last year my Sons was finalized last week of July.

Sometimes kids fall through the cracks. At most programs, coaches and compliance departments will make sure they have received all clearance before practice begins.

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