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Everything I've heard or read says to get players on a upper level summer team if they have aspirations of playing college baseball. I know this...the issue is, his high school coach does not agree with kids playing else where in the summer. My son has expressed a great deal interest in play in college, and his high school coach is very open about the kids not playing for other teams in the summer "or else". The "or else" was they would not have a spot in the spring if they played for someone else. Has anyone ever had to deal with this?
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Colorado9 - welcome to the hsbbweb!

Unfortunately, this type of stuff does happen. I suggest playing for that coach so it does not come back to harm him on his high school team. The best advice I can give is to let the worry go, in no way is your son going to be harmed imho as long as you get him other opportunities for exposure, where summer teams are but one format for exposure.

This will not prevent him from playing in college as he can showcase or attend camps to put himself in front of college coaches. Moroever, maybe you can convince the hs coach to play in some high profile tournaments this summer that are known to be attended by college recruiters. Either way, don't worry, be happy, and welcome!
Unfortunately, our oldest son had to deal with the same situation. He played with his school's summer team through his junior year, but the summer after his junior year he played for both his high school summer team and a select team that was willing to work with him. He always gave the coaches plenty of notice regarding schedule conflicts and tried to balance it out between the two teams. It wasn't easy, but he got through it without suffering any "consequences."

We tried to teach him to deal with any situation in an honest and respectful way, hoping that everything would work out for the best in the end. Looking back, it always did.
Last edited by Liberty
We have exlpored the possibilty of tranferring to a different HS, and it is a possibility.

My son played both last year, and really did enjoy it. He loves the game and would play everday if he could. He feels he has fell behind because last spring/summer he played almost 100 games, and this spring/summer he has played 45.

Thanks for the input! Keep it coming!

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