Originally posted by catcher09:
I guess I was not clear on my request. I know how to set up the spreadsheet but just wanted to make it easier for data input.
I wish I could help you with that one, but if I understand what you’re doing, giving the user a pull down menu to make a choice, I think what you’re actually doing is slowing him/her down.
I learned a long time ago that the absolute slowest peripheral on a computer is the mouse, so although we always had to program for its use, by far the fastest mode of input was hot or function keys.
If you were using a DBM like VFP with a data input screen, I could tell you how to do it automatically, plus verify the data, but I’m afraid I’m not a SS kinda guy. How easy is it to set up and run macros in the new SS’s?
But I wish you good luck and commend you for trying to help. Baseball coaches with enough sense to accept help from us geeks usually find out we can make their lives much easier and save them lots of time.